More than 1,500 refugees and dead migrants in the Mediterranean this year


According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the number of immigrants and migrants who have fallen into the water in the Mediterranean has exceeded 1,500 this year.

The IOM states that the number of refugees and migrants in the Mediterranean has exceeded 1,500 for the fifth year in a row since 2014.

The number of refugees and migrants killed in the Mediterranean at the time was 1.504. The number of refugees and migrants who died in the Mediterranean to reach Europe is 700 in 2013, but increased to 722 in 2014.

More than half of the victims have died since June, [19659002] Italy's far-right populist government refuses to enter the lifeline,

The number of refugees and migrants who crossed the Mediterranean across the Mediterranean this year to 25 this year is 20,992, more than Italy (18,131).

The total number of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe on the 25th of this month was 55 100, or 111 753 during the same period last year.

IOM spokesman Joel Milman said: "The number of migrants in Italy has fallen sharply, but the death rate per 1,000 people has decreased since the end of the Second World War, (19659002)

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