Mulilla Crude Oil Transportation Road … "The US Government, Saudi Arabia and Other Countries Promote" Arab NATO "


The United States pursue a security and political alliance with Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia to control the expansion of the power of Iran in the Middle East. (CNN)

  US President Donald Trump is pushing to block the oil export routes of Iran. [AP=연합뉴스]

US President Donald Trump pushes to block the oil export routes of Iran. [AP=연합뉴스]

The United States has described the alliance, similar to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), as a "strategic alliance of the Middle East" (MESA ) provisional. The US government wants to discuss the issue at a summit in Washington in October, and tensions over Iran are likely to worsen.

The White House says that she has been discussing for months alliances with partners in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and the United States have agreed to buy a large-scale weapon before President Trump's visit last year, but the security alliance is yet to come.

A spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House said: "MESA will help defend Iran's attacks, terrorism and extremism and bring stability to the Middle East. United States, the United States and the United States. "

  In response to the US blockade of oil exports, [EPA=연합뉴스]

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Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other UAE countries are way through Donald Trump and the UAE, while citizens cross the streets of Tehran, The United States, with other Sunni nations such as Saudi Arabia,

The debate of the 39 alliance, especially the 25th, is that Yemeni supporters of Yemen, backed by Iran, have attacked the Saudi oil tanker in the Red Sea, the Trump administration has considered the military options to protect the sea from Japan, because two tankers, two million barrels each, exploited by the maritim company e Saha Bhairi, were attacked by CNN,

The Fuiti rebel attack forced Saudi Arabia to suspend the transport of oil through the Red Sea, due to the disruption of the sea. supply of crude oil to Europe and North America. The Trump administration said that until November 4, the Iranian government said it could block the Strait of Ormuz, which accounts for one-third of the pipeline in the countries Middle East oil producers and the world's oil routes. There is.

  State Secretary Mike Pompeii (left) visits the UAE to discuss cooperation issues. [EPA=연합뉴스]

State Secretary Mike Pompeii (left) visits the UAE to discuss cooperation issues. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Although the Arab NATO plan is discussed in relation to the supply of crude oil, there are also prospects that the four Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, will enter in conflict with Qatar because of suspicions of support for terrorist organizations.

A senior Iranian official said: "The United States and its allies are creating tension under the pretext of stability in the Middle East." This approach was seen among the Iranian and Iranian allies, "He said.

London, England,

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