National Early Vaccine Symptom Recognition Rate About 52.7% … October 29th, "World stroke day"


Half Paralysis · Headache · Speech Disorders · Visual Impairment
In case of illness, it should be treated within 2 hours, within 6 hours … 90% of possibility of treatment in case of absence of Golden Time

World Day of Stroke
World Day of Stroke
[한스경제=홍성익 기자] Every year, Oct. 29 is World Stroke Day, a global organization specializing in stroke. Stroke is a disease characterized by the obstruction or bursting of the blood vessels supplying the brain with brain damage, leading to brain damage and physical disability. Cerebrovascular disease is the third most common cause of death in the world between 2007 and 2017, and strokes should be the focus of attention for the cause of death worldwide in 2016, to WHO (World Health Organization).

Since May of last year, Korea has promulgated the "Law on Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Diseases". As part of this reform, it will reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease by establishing the first comprehensive cardiovascular disease management plan (2018-2022). And steps are being taken to put in place a specialized medical treatment system.

◇ Golden Time important blow … Early recognition rate of symptoms nationwide About 52.7%

The stroke can be divided into cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. An ischemic stroke is a disease in which the blood vessels of the brain are blocked, causing a loss of blood and oxygen supply to the brain and causing the death of its cells. Hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhagic stroke) is a cerebral blood vessel that exits the brain and causes brain damage.

Transient ischemic attacks can occur before the onset of a stroke. They are caused by the fact that the blood does not flow into the strongly narrowed cerebral blood vessels, then goes down again or that the cerebral blood vessels are blocked by blood clots. It is said that it is reopened. The symptoms of stroke are short-lived and lessen in a few hours to several hours. This symptom is a strong warning for a future stroke, but most of the time, it's easy for most people to ignore it as it goes away as if nothing had happened, and often lacks it. Treatment time.

Although Golden Time is a major stroke, the National Statistical Office of 2018 reported that the prevalence of early stroke symptoms in the country accounted for only about half of the 52.7% rate, according to the report. data relating to the rate of early symptoms of stroke. In Seoul, Gangnam-gu has the highest perception rate (63.4%) and Seongdong-gu (20%) the lowest awareness rate.

Do not ignore dizziness, headaches or other early symptoms … 90% chance of treatment in the absence of Golden Time

The first symptoms of a stroke include: dysmenorrhea, language disorder (aphasia), pronunciation disorder (speech disorder), ataxia, vision, blurred vision, swallowing disorder, dementia, dizziness and headaches.

Kim Chi-kyung, professor of neurology at the University of Korea's hospital in Guro, said: "The rate of recognition of early symptoms of a stroke is somewhat different depending of medical accessibility and individual awareness of each region.However, it is the same for a stroke.I need ongoing training on stroke. "

"You must be aware of your first symptoms and go to the hospital within 2 hours after the onset of symptoms and treat it within 6 hours." If you do not, you lose 90% of your treatment. "" You can not save your brain cells once, so you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to identify the cause of the stroke and start the treatment accordingly. . "

◇ AVC, prevention is important … Improvement of dietary life · Prevention by taking low dose aspirin

Source = Korean Stroke Society Provided
Source = Korean Stroke Society Provided

Risk factors for stroke can be divided into risk factors that can not be corrected and into risk factors that can be corrected. Factors that can not be corrected include age, gender, and family history. However, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, heart disease and hyperlipidemia are risk factors that can be managed. In other words, it is important to know the risk factors present and to adjust them.

Stop smoking and drink less than one or two glbades a day. The food should be slightly balanced and allow to consume a lot of vegetables and fish. Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day to maintain proper weight and a decent waistline.

"One of the important treatments for stroke is prevention." People who have already had a stroke should adopt good eating habits and secondary prevention by taking constant doses of low-dose aspirin. "" If you are a high risk person with a stroke, even if you are in good health, advised.

Hong Seongik reporter [email protected]
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