National Wild Mites Collecting Command & # 39; … SFTS Transfer Policy Policy Logs


After the possibility of transferring severe febrile thrombocytopenia (SFTS), which has a high mortality rate, has been reported, the anti-dumping authorities have actively responded.

The headquarters of Disease Control announced that it had drawn up a business plan to determine whether domestic ticks were infected with SFTS viruses and whether they were transmitting them to humans.

A genetic test for a 75-year-old woman diagnosed with an SFTS infection last October is the first in Korea to report a case of simultaneous infection with Tsutsugamushi disease, transmitted by a flea tick .

The team took over the fact that the body of the victim could not find the teeth marks that infected the SFTS virus.

Jourbon plans to track genotype flea ticks from the SFTS virus isolate across the country in October and November when ticks will begin to function.

When a person is questioned about a flea tick, it is said that the fecal bacteria "Orientia Tsutsugamusi" which is the intracellular parasite bacterium

Symptoms such as high fever, headache and skin rashes are similar to those of SFTS, but the mortality rate is very low, 0.1 ~ 0.2%, and 'tick' On the other hand, SFTS is a virus that is infected only when it is bitten by a small mite,

The headquarters of the disease management explains that there are signs of tick bites, but there are cases where marks are weak or missing.

The mortality rate is higher than Tsukigami's disease.

In China, an article describing the identification of the SFTS viral gene in a tick-borne domestic mite was published


In addition to small mites, "I decided that it was very important in terms of infection prevention and secondary infection, so I took cognizance of the plan. 39, activity in the fall. "" I will inform the public of the risk from the meeting of experts as soon as the results come out. "

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