Negotiating the American troops … I will resume the conversation


North Korea's high-level talks in Pyongyang over the last six or seven days were unsuccessfully completed for the follow-up to the North American summit.

In particular, it is a negotiated negotiation, the first of its kind after the high-level talks in North America, so a "barometer" of the willingness to implement the l 39; agreement between North American leaders

Besides the possibility of attending negotiations, including the US Ambbadador to the Republic of Korea, Kim Seung-hee, who played a role in the channel of dialogue between North Korea and the United States,

On December 12, former US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-

Estimates of up to 200 fossils were made at a scale of 200 fossils, including the immediate repatriation of the identities of US POWs and MIAs. Repatriation was also expected to be a visible achievement of the high-level discussions in North America since Mike Pompeii's visit to the United States ned.

As the US Forces of Korea predicted, on March 23rd, there were more than 100 transport cases

However, contrary to what was initially planned, the "dramatic" repatriation of remains did not occur. was not realized immediately after the high-level talks.

However, experts say that although the repatriation of the remains was delayed once on the 12th, the repatriation of the US military remains at the North American summit.

Shin Bum-cheol, director of the Center for Security and Unification of the Asan Institute of Political Studies, said, "If North Korea talks about conditions that are not particularly demanding, I think the United States will be able to see it positively only if the repatriation is good. "

The new head of the center said:" It seems that the American position always adapts the level of the speech to maintain the Momentum of dialogue. "

The problem is that it is worth watching the negotiations in Panmunjom. The next is the repatriation of the pest. "I believe that President Trump will decide on the direction of the North American dialogue regarding North Korean relations and political confidence-building measures, as well as the declaration of the end of the war and the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula." The first round of the repatriation of the remains is seen as a demonstration of the desire to implement the North American summit agreements, "he said," it is difficult to see the magnitude of North American relations. as a crisis,

The Hong Kong researcher said: "It is unlikely that the results of the new negotiations will be published immediately after discussing the repatriation of the remains."

If a good return is made to North America as a "good measure"

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