Nomo, 92, murdered a son whom he wanted to send to a retirement home.


A 92-year-old Nomo living in Arizona, United States, shot a son (72) who wanted to send him to a retirement home and shot him.

Third <로이터> Anna Mabelings,

These hats have often been linked to the problem of living with them, and the son has often been "hard to live with". If you like, leave me. "A few days before the incident, Blessing noticed that his son was trying to send him to a retirement home, and he had a controversy about it in the morning." He hid two guns in his home. his pocket overcoat, took out one of his weapons during the fight and ripped off his son several times.

He also fired a gun at his son's girlfriend who was living with him.My girlfriend was fighting with my mother and Blessing tried to pull his girlfriend from his gun in his pocket, but when he left the scene and reported to the police, the incident was over.

Blessing was sitting comfortably in the armchair of the bedroom.When the transfer process, I shouted: "I took life because you took my life", but I do not have to go to bed. I did not argue for the first time in front of the magistrate, we did not know if he had a lawyer.

The police reportedly reported that They had already been sent to mediate the battle of these hats, but the police said, "I thought I would kill myself after killing my son." Blessing was charged with first degree murder, armed badault and allegations of kidnapping, and bail was set at $ 500,000 ($ 568 million).

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