North American Summit Monthly … Trump, Washington's skepticism "big deal"


House of Councilors … Stop Training · Demand North Korea's Nuclear Test

The optimistic view comes out … Denuclearization – negotiating the debt swap guarantee

Trump "Kim Jong-a agrees to shake hands …" Another warning in China

(Washington, Seoul-Yonhap News) Kang Young-duo correspondent Shinji Hong = 6.12 North American Summit of Singapore A month of Washington's facial expression is complicated.

State Secretary Mike Pompeii went to Pyongyang on June 6 and 7 for implementation of the Singapore Agreement, but he failed to produce the expected results. The negotiations themselves are not tough, given North Korea's refusal of "denuclearization demands like theft", as well as the expected "denuclearization timetable" and the "nuclear (nuclear) report" checklist.

Although we expect that the edition will continue to be maintained by follow-up negotiations in the future, pessimism worsens in the future. as the possibility of a sudden surge settles in Washington Joya, skeptical of the North American dialogue. On the other hand, both parties view the current situation as a tussle to benefit from mutually beneficial negotiations. In particular, President Donald Trump, who leads the negotiations in the big picture, is optimistic about the complete denuclearization of North Korea, reaffirming his confidence in Kim Jong-un.

With this in mind, Washington's global current is expected to change based on the intensification of follow-up negotiations in the combined badessment and the prospect of a possible denuclearization of North Korea. The US Congress, which has spoken out against North Korea's Trump administration policy, is back on the hard line of North Korea in conjunction with skepticism about the denuclearization of Korea's North Korea. North. In particular, US President George W. Bush is to withdraw the US-ROK Allied Training Card, which was abandoned by President Donald Trump shortly after the North American Summit, or report on the progress of negotiations in Parliament each month or hold related hearings.

Senator Roy Blunt (Republican, Missouri) of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on June 8 that he should maintain sanctions against North Korea until the final phase of denuclearization by appearing on " The Mid Press "from NBC.

He said, "President Trump will hold sanctions against North Korea, and actions that maintain economic pressure will eventually lead North Korea in the direction we want," said President Trump. I am very opposed to giving up the ability to interact with Korea. "

Senator Johnny Ernest (Republican, Iowa), who also belongs to the Senate Armed Services Committee, appeared on CBS's "Face the Nation" and said, "I think we should continue the training. military. "If the negotiations do not last, I will speak to them immediately."
Three members of the democratic party of the Democratic Party of Japan, Ted Liu (California), also called for a hearing on North Korea's nuclear test, saying: "I am seriously concerned about the repeated deception of the North Korean regime. Korean". I sent a letter.

The Washington Post (WP) highlighted the "controversy" over the Pompeii vacancy on July 7, noting that denuclearization talks are long and difficult.

CNN described its diplomatic decoupling as "diplomatic disconnection" and "clearly showed that North Korea and the United States are not on the same side". And that there is a wide range of differences between the views of both parties on the summit talks of June 12th. "

However, there is also optimism that the negotiations will produce positive results despite Washington's concerns. In particular, North Korea has shown a difference in denuclearization and guarantee of the system in the high-level negotiation process from 6 to 7 June, but it is badyzed that it is possible to do many things thereafter.

In particular, the United States, which has focused on the denuclearization of nuclear weapons and the dismantling of nuclear weapons, is abandoning a flexible position to pursue the denuclearization and guarantees of the system.

A key diplomatic source in Washington said in a Yonhap News on September 9: "Negative and pessimistic badessments predominate during Pompeii's visit to North Korea, but considerable progress has been made as a result of the negotiations. "North Korea has said that it would be able to denuclearize after the guarantee of the system, which is a matter of sequencing, and it is possible to trade it through negotiation."

The biggest epicenter of optimism is President Trump. On the 9th, he said: "I am sure that Kim Jong Eun (Secretary of State of North Korea) is sure that we will respect the contract we signed, and more importantly, our handshake." This is the official position expressed in a few days since the high-level talks.

Trump said: "On the other hand, China may exert negative pressure on the negotiations because of our attitude towards trade with China." strategic reference to the nuclear disarmament dispute of North Korea, "he said, adding that he encouraged future denuclearization negotiations in Pyongyang, underlining Kim's commitment and not interfering with the denuclearization process in China.

"Polytico" political professional media said that even after accusing Trump's president of Tweeting that Pyongyang was "robbing" of Pyongyang's visit to North Korea, Trump said he was optimistic about the Denuclearization agreement with North Korea. "

Trump is still hoping for an agreement with Kim in Singapore, and will continue a" close-up "on a denuclearization roadmap through further negotiations.
In Washington's diplomatic tribe, President Trump not only wants to advance North Korea's denuclearization for the mid-term and re-election elections in 2020, but also to remain a leader in resolving the North Korean nuclear crisis. and the normalization of relations with North Korea. It is expected that the release of the denuclearization dialogue will be somehow saved.

Just as Pompey's visit to North Korea has shown that it is necessary to reduce North Korea's refusal to "complete denuclearization" and reduce the "gap" between North Korea and North Korea. United States, . In particular, there is growing concern that close communication and strategic cooperation with the Korean government, which mediated the historic North American summit, is more important than ever.

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