North and South Korea, Pyongyang … Discussion on participation in table tennis, pulling north


[Pyongyang · Séoul = NewSise] Kim Ji-hoon, reporter from Pyongyang, a journalist from North Korea and South Korea, held a physical training meeting at noon in Pyongyang on May 5.

At 11:50 pm, South Korea and North Korea began practical training at the second floor boardroom of the Goryeo – 4 Hotel, which is used by the South Korean delegation.

In the south, the Second Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the No Tae River was the Chief Delegate. Two of the clerks were also seated.

The two sides will discuss the issue of North Korean players participating in the Korea Open Table Tennis Tournament held in Daejeon this month and the World Shooting Championships in Changwon. next month.

also plans to co-ordinate opinions on the joint entry of the 18th Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia, and on the issue of the Korean Peninsula in August.

The two Koreas will hold a working meeting on the morning of the 6th, and the Ministry will announce the results in an information format.

Unification Minister Chung Woo-kyun of the Unification Basketball Tournament, former Unification Minister Chung Woong-kyun of the Basketball Unification Competition, and Kim Yong-cheol, vice president of the Labor Party, met on May 5 at the Goryeo Hotel. I have expressed my position.

On the same day, Minister Cho said: "North Korea and South Korea have decided to participate in international sporting events organized on the other side of the country."

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