North Kim Jung-eun potato and bamboo signal … The reason for Samjiyeon's visit


  North Korean leader Kim Jong-un encouraged potato production by visiting a farm in Chung-Ang, Samjiyeon County, Yanggang Province, according to the North Labor Party Labor Journal -Korean. The picture shows Kim Jung Eun looking around the potato field. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un led potato production while visiting a farm in Jangheung, Samjiyeon County, Yangkang Province, according to a North Korean Labor Party newspaper. . The picture shows Kim Jung Eun looking around the potato field. [노동신문 캡처]
<p>  Kim Jong-un, president of the North Korea State Council, made a local map in search of Sam Ji-yeon near Mount Paektu, the official media including Chosun Central News on the 10th Kim did not meet recently with Secretary of State Mike Pompeii (6-7) and the Unification Minister (3-6) who visited Pyongyang. It is not possible to rule out the possibility that President Kim visited the Samjiyeon area 636 kilometers north of Pyongyang without having deliberately encountered them. In such a case, negotiations on denuclearization after the June 12 North-South talks are not progressing, and Kim's actions could be a message to the United States. </p>
<p>  It is also noted that the place to visit is Samjiyun. Kim showed a search pattern of Sam Ji-yeon when he makes important decisions. He announced his intention to participate in the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games on January 1, after visiting Samjiyeon last December. In 2013, he went to Sam Jiyon's home with his aides and executed a deputy head of the National Defense Commission at the time of his late mother, Jang Sung Taek. </p>
<p>  Sam Ji-yeon is a place where Kim is tied up. He was born as the youngest son of Kim Jong-il in Wonsan, not in Pyongyang, he used Sam Ji-yeon to point out that he is a "white man" who follows Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. In three or four years in 2016, he ordered to make Sam Ji-yeon a "holy place of the revolution". For him, it is the basis of his legitimacy and guarantees of the system. </p>
<p> A unification official told reporters Oct. 10: "President Kim Jong-un has mentioned this year as one of the major New Year's construction projects. This is not a simple local map, but a visit with political implications, which could be a tacit message to the United States, firmly committed to its legitimacy and guarantees of system security. </p>
<div clbad=
 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspects the construction site of Samjiyeon, Yangkangdo, the Labor newspaper of the North Korean Labor Party reported on the 10th. The photo shows Kim Jung Eun looking around the [노동신문 캡처]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspects the construction site of Samjiyeon, Yanggangdo, the labor newspaper of the North Korean Labor Party reported on the 10th. The photo shows Kim Jung Eun looking around the construction site. 19659002] The pr President Kim said that the visit to Samjiyeon is different from the past in terms of movement. First, the number of places and messages visited has increased. The Labor Party Boryung Labor Newspaper introduced it as a "problem that most people were interested in" during the visit: it's a Jungheung farm that focuses on growing potatoes. President Kim has ordered here that "Samyeyeon will be built as a model unit of potato cultivation and a unit that will achieve total mechanization of rural areas," Labor newspaper said. The newspaper added: "I have also visited the potato powder (starch) production plant." He shows the chief watching the food of the inhabitants.

It seems that the 9th and 9th days of September 9, which North Korea commemorates as the introduction of the large-scale regime, have come closer to two months. It is urgent that Kim develop a welfare economy that people can feel. However, the United States maintains its position to maintain sanctions against North Korea until the time of denuclearization.

Shortly after visiting Pyongyang on June 6 and 7, Minister Pompeo again put the word "maximum pressure". At the same time, it can be read that the possibility of economic cooperation with China can be interpreted in a simple way in Samjiyeon, a border region between the two countries. In the same context, Kim's first public activity after the North American summit was to visit the Sinuiju and Shindo chemical fiber and cosmetic factories, which bordered China.

  On June 8, the Foreign Minister of the United States of Japan (MEXT) met in Tokyo on June 8

On June 8, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MEXT) we discussed the alliance and the issue of maintaining the greatest pressure on North Korea. "[폼페이오 장관 트위터 캡쳐]

What is striking in the movement of Mr. Sam Ji-yon, it is that he put the emphasis on the" preservation of the ecological environment "in him asking to plant "bamboos." Kim ordered birch planting that Kim Jong-il liked, saying, "We should do well in designing Samjiyeon agricultural forests."

This may be related to the fact that the South is holding subcommittees for cooperation in the forestry sector. This means that it can be a message that focuses on the ecological environment and that focuses on projects greening the environment. forests with the South. North Korean media reported the day Kim Jong Il's trip to Sam Ji-yon was widely reported. The labor paper of Labor Party Labor Party presented this move in detail until it rose eight-sided which increased both sides than usual. Of these, five were devoted to Sam Ji Yeon.

Jung, Su-jin reporter [email protected]

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