"North Korea continues to build new ICBMs near Pyongyang" – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.08.01 03:01

Nuclear Production and Factory Turnover ICBM

US intelligence services have made up for the situation in which North Korea is manufacturing a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) near Pyongyang, Washington Post reported on Wednesday May 30th. The Korean government did not deny it by saying, "We are closely monitoring the Korean-American intelligence agencies." US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the North Korean government continued to produce nuclear materials such as highly enriched uranium. US President George W. Bush said that North Korea did not have nuclear weapons, but that North Korea's nuclear weapons and missiles were being raided at the time. following the June talks.

"The ICBM trailer is also captured"

The WP quoted an anonymous intelligence official to manufacture one or two ICBMs using liquid fuel in a large weapons factory near from Pyongyang and that it was identified thanks to reconnaissance satellites. The Sanmon Dong missile factory is the ICBM clbad site & # 39; Hwaseong 15 & # 39; who can hit the east of the United States. Jeffrey Lewis, a researcher at the Nonproliferation Studies Center at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, recently badyzed satellite imagery and said he was "active" at the "Sanctuary ICBM". The research center unveiled a satellite photo taken on July 7th. The red trailer, which the North used to transport the ICBM in the middle of the ICBM's yard, was stopped.

  A photo of the Sanmon Dong missile research complex outside Pyongyang, North Korea, photographed on the 7th. This photo, published by the Washington Post on Wednesday, shows a red car (dotted line) similar to that used by North Korea to transport missiles into its research complex

A photo of the Sanmon Dong missile research complex on the outskirts of Pyongyang, North Korea, photographed with satellite imagery on 7 July. The photo, published by the Washington Post on Wednesday, shows a red car (dotted line) similar to that used by North Korea to carry missiles in its research complex. / PlanetLabs · Washington Post

In this regard, our government source said: "Since the beginning of this year, there have been movements of labor and materials in the Sanmon Dong complex." "It's not appropriate to talk about information," he said, "but I look at the various trends of North Korea with caution." The North Korean suspicion of the US administration extends

WP "According to information gathered by US intelligence agencies, senior North Korean officials have discussed ways to deceive the number of nuclear warheads, missiles and nuclear facilities and to neutralize international inspectors, "he said. "North Korea's strategy could include the declaration of" complete denuclearization "after detaining up to 20 nuclear bombs and disposing of 20 nuclear warheads."

  - The United Nations Command (UNC) and the Department of Defense's Detainee and Detainee Confirmation Office (DPAA) wrapped an American box of firearms at the UN Monday, The Northeast returned to the United States 55 of his remains, estimated to American troops killed during the Korean War.

North Won sha … – The United Nations Command (UNC) and the Department of Defense Detainee and Detainee Confirmation Office (DPAA) wrapped an American box of firearms at the United Nations On Monday, the North returned to the United States 55 of its remains, estimated at US troops killed during the Korean War. / Reuters news

Continued reporting of nuclear and missile development in North Korea citing US secret and military services appears to be related to North Korea's mistrust amplified by the US administration. It is a fact that the United States has warned North Korea not to "deceive us". A diplomatic source said: "Contrary to Donald Trump's optimistic public statements, US intelligence and administration services do not abandon their suspicions about North Korea." US intelligence agencies will also want to check President Trump through the media. "He said." Trump told reporters at the White House press conference that "a lot of positive things have happened, North Korea has not tested the missiles for nine months, and we have returned the Americans detained. "

Mbad production of missiles and missiles in North Korea

It is also badyzed that North Korea continues to produce nuclear materials and ICBM while it plans to pursue the # Strategic objective of "Nuclear Weapons Recognition." Kim Jong-eun said during this year's New Year: "We need to encourage companies to mbad – produce and deploy nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles (missiles)"

In April, North Korea declared that it would suspend its nuclear and missile tests at the Labor Party's third plenary session in April, and I did not want to give up nuclear power. Missile At the time, Kim Jung-eun said: "The whole process of nuclear development has continued and the completion of the nuclear weapons process has been proven." We no longer need nuclear, medium or long-range tests or intercontinental ballistic missiles. At the meeting, North Korea expressed itself as a "global nuclear power" and declared: "We solemnly declare the realization of nuclear weapons". The suspension of the nuclear test has also been described as an important process for global nuclear disarmament. In other words, it means stopping nuclear and missile testing to become a state endowed with nuclear weapons like the United States and Russia, but not to give up possession and production of weapons. nuclear weapons.

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