North Korea delivers nuclear talks on nuclear talks Long-term pre-formulation


US President Trump has repeatedly stated that negotiations on denuclearization would be longer.


President Trump stated in an American CBS broadcast that he had had the opportunity to discuss North Korea's nuclear crisis with North Korea. The problem has been going on for decades and it will take time.

Three days ago, negotiations in the United Kingdom were considered a long process.

Although we have not given concrete examples, it has been said that very positive things were going on behind the scenes

In the same vein as the turkey cooking to learn a long time it seems to have formalized the extension of denuclearization negotiations.

It is also badyzed that the urgent simultaneous negotiations between North Korea and North Korea do not only concern the North but also the United States.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian President Vladimir Putin

[트럼프 미국 대통령 : 푸틴 대통령과 러시아가 북핵 문제를 끝내기를 원하고 미국과 협력할 것으로 확신합니다. 그 약속에 감사드립니다.]

Putin says he is ready to help secure North Korea as part of its denuclearization process.

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