North Korea Panmunjom starts negotiations on the repatriation of remains


North Korea and the United States began talks at Panmunjom on the 15th to discuss the repatriation of US troops in the Korean War.

North Korea agreed to repatriate the confirmed US troops immediately to the summit on December 12, and the US military prepared 100 Panmunjom-related transport cases for the same month. In addition, Osan supplied about 150 metal pipes.

The question of repatriation of remains was initially to be discussed at a working meeting, but North Korea proposed not to attend working discussions on December 12 but held a general meeting on June 15 to hold the talks. .

A USFK official said, "There is nothing to confirm until the end of the event," said the US State Department in a statement.

If the talks were held in accordance with the proposal of North Korea, it is likely that the US side participated in the US Chief of Staff, Michael Minnie, and the representative of the United States. North Korean Panmunjom. The representative of Panmunjom's representative in North Korea would be the chief director of Kwak Chul-hee. Kwak is the chief representative of the 16th UNC and North Korean military negotiations in 2009.

Both sides should focus on the repatriation process during the talks. As denuclearization negotiations in North America are not as fast as expected, the problem of repatriation, described as "good will", is meaningless since it will be 39, another measure to improve North American relations.

In addition to the question of the repatriation of remains, it is possible that the question of the establishment of a peace regime on the Korean peninsula is evoked in a comprehensive way, since the North is the only one in the world. proposed as a high level negotiation.

A member of the research committee of the Hongmin Institute of Unification Research said: "The high-level talks between the UNC and the North Korean representatives of Panmunjom are the most important discussions on the armistice. " There is also the possibility of referring to the problem to be solved, "he said.

Negotiations in North America have stopped since 2009. Hong said:" If general discussions take place, it is significant that there is a chance that not only the agenda but also a channel to discuss military issues between North Korea and the United States be launched. "

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