North Korea says North Korea will be concerned about nuclear talks in North Korea


Entry 2018.07.02 15:10

Beijing travels to Beijing on the second day of an economic badysis of North Korea's economic and trade policies, which covers the economic and trade policies of North Korea.

Ward arrives at Beijing Haidian Airport in Pyongyang The diplomatic sources in Beijing said the Chinese had boarded a car, followed by a car from the North Korean Embbady during the week.

Ward will meet with Chinese government officials during his visit to discuss bilateral economic cooperation and support to North Korea in areas such as agriculture, railways and energy .

Ward attends the Opening Ceremony North Korea and North Korea.

In particular, the former warlord, Li Yong Liao, who held at Mansudae Hall in Pyongyang in May, the 19, Kim Jong-un, the chairman of the National Security Council of North Korea and the chairman of China's state party, Xi Jinping, the official Xinhua news agency reported on July 19 that Kim Jong-un, the head of state North Korea (second from left), held the third summit with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing. . Another source in Beijing said: "The fact that North Korea's external economic affairs, and not the North Korean Foreign Ministry, is the expression of North Korea's will and from China to seek large-scale economic cooperation. However, it is impossible for the UN to lift the sanctions against North Korea because the sanctions against the North are still in force and that China is able to fulfill its basic duties. "However, like the inter-Korean exchanges,

Japanese media reported that Kim had recently called for the lifting of sanctions on the occasion of his recent meeting with the Chinese leader.

On June 12, China announced that it had agreed to hold a summit meeting between the United States and North Korea in Singapore on June 12, He said the North should not be the target of sanctions after the recent visit of the President.

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