"North Korea's coal imports from the Security Council, two national imports last year … launched a government investigation" – Economics Herald


– Bring back twice in October of last year
– Grasp the situation of illegal imports of Korean private industry

[헤럴드경제=문재연 기자] It is confirmed that North Korea's coal is a Restricted object of the UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea. That's it According to officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Korean government has understood the situation and started the investigation.

According to a report submitted by a group of experts under the North Korean Committee of the UN Security Council, presented in April, according to a report submitted last month, North Korean coal shipped from the port of Kholmsk, Russia,

According to the report, a coal-laden ship from the North Korean port of Wonsan and Chongjin port six times between July and September last year unloaded coal in going to the port of Kholmsk, Russia. It was shipped to the Panama ship Skye Eneroy and to the Sierra Leone ship Rich Rich Lake, who entered Incheon Harbor and Pohang Harbor on October 2 and 11 of last year respectively.

The amount of North Korean coal that arrived in Korea was not reported in the case of Angel Skye entered Incheon on October 2 and the Rich Glory arrived in Pohang the same day the same day. North Korea's coal, arriving in Pohang, was worth about US $ 325,000 per tonne of US $ 65, according to the report. A Ministry of Foreign Affairs official said: "Before the information was obtained, the import declaration and the report were completed, and the coal was unloaded at the same time as the ship was arriving. Korea." The Korean entrepreneur, suspected of attempting to import North Korean coal, said: "We are investigating illegal import negotiations under customs laws". In the case of illegal imports, the penalty is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of up to 30 million won. The official said: "In October, the authorities obtained information and conducted the investigation and exchanged information with the sanctions committee of North Korea." Sharing of information will continue to be done in the future "

As a general rule, companies that violate UN Security Council sanctions are subject to sanctions and sanctions in accordance with to the laws of each member country.In the case of a Korean company suspected of importing North Korean coal, sanctions will be taken under the laws and related customs laws that govern inter-Korean relations in Korea. case of proven intentional circumstances. "The purpose of the UN Disarmament Panel is to draw Member States' attention to how North Korea is avoiding Security Council sanctions. "UN," he said, it is a recommendation. "

The UN Security Council banned exports of all North Korean coal by resolution 2371, pbaded last August for sanctions against Korea's North.

Resolution 2371 states that "North Korea is prohibited."

The resolution also states that "all nations, whether they are from the DPRK, are not entitled to" 39, use their boats or planes by their own nationals.

In the end, if North Korea exported coal to South Korea, that would be in itself a violation of the Security Council resolution. In addition, the Korean government bans trade between North Korea and South Korea through legal measures through the measures of May 24, 2010 and prohibits the import of North Korean coal prior to the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2371. A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said: "The Government has made diplomatic efforts in close cooperation with the international community, including the North Korean Sanctions Committee, so that the UN Security Council can faithfully implement the resolution "We know that the investigation is conducted by our authorities."

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