North, South Korea Normalize … "Dilemma" of the government ㅣ KBS WORLD Radio


  North Korean defectors plan to escape ...

In April 2016, a Chinese restaurant worker working for North Korea escaped from a group of refugees North Koreans who had escaped to North Korea.

In an interview with the Yonhap News Agency on the 15th, Lee Kang Il, director of the restaurant, told NIS that he was planning to establish a restaurant in Southeast Asia, refusing to go out with the employees and not making any decisions.

million. Huh argues that the majority of the 12 employees followed him, knowing that they work in restaurants in Southeast Asia.

Although the NIS argued that the NIS intervened in the process of defecting employees, the "planning and defection" of the NIS

Despite Mr. Hur's claim, however, the situation at the the moment of defection became more concrete and the suspicion of "planning and defecting" of employees became more and more common.

On October 10, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in North Korea at the United Nations questioned some employees.

In response to that, he said, "We came to Korea according to our free will." In response,

The problem is that some North Korean defectors will return to North Korea.

Although this occurred under the previous regime, it appears that the government actually recognizes the abduction of these people.

Although the controversy is growing, the government has not even been able to investigate the truth about their escape process.

However, some pointed out that it is best to go through the procedure of correction and punishment of the responsible person through a thorough investigation of the truth.

One of the national research institutes "There can be a huge backlash,"

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