NYT "Pompeii Oh, Kim Jong Il suspends denuclearization"


"More information on the expansion and concealment of nuclear facilities in North Korea"
US Secretary of State Mike Pompei is wary of North Korea's desire to denuclearize, the New York Times reported on Tuesday (July 7th).

NYT, Without Specifying Sources, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he doubted giving up nuclear weapons, saying: "Suspicion has become more serious while Korea's North expands its nuclear weapons facilities without being dismantled,

Minister Pompei visited North Korea twice in late March and early May, preparing for the North American Summit on June 12 , followed by a two-day summit

However, as Minister Pompei finally completed his third visit to North Korea, he said that North Korea's nuclear weapons program, [19659002] In addition, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea said: "The attitude and position of the United States in the negotiations were very regrettable."

In addition,

The NYT said: "The first time Pyongyang stayed in Pyongyan For this first visit, it is actually the least productive compared to the previous one.

According to the journalists who accompanied Pompeii to North Korea, Pompeii and Kim Young-chul, deputy head of the Central Labor Party and leader of the unification, stressed the importance of the fact. summit agreement in the talks. I have to face the other side, "there are things that I need to be clear" On the matter, the former Under-Secretary of State for North Korean Affairs, Wendy Sherman , said: "The negotiations with North Korea are still difficult and President Trump said:" North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat. "We do not know what North Korea has, what it is, nor the ability to verify it." On the fifth day before his trip to Pyongyang, Pyongyang said: "The recent Pompeii mission to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons and missiles to at least two other experts is the first.

According to the NYT, Minister Pompei said earlier that "if negotiations with North Korea failed it would happen sooner or later, "he said.The government also said that the sanctions and diplomatic isolation of North Korea could be returned to the operation" maximum pressure ". [19659002] Meanwhile, Pompei told reporters at a press conference yesterday that he was not expecting him to meet Kim Jong-un in the third round of 19659008]

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