Obama: "Politics of fear and anger,


"The politics of fear and anger rise at an unimaginable rate even a few years ago.

Former US President Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, said Thursday 17 November that Nelson Mandela, born in South Africa as the first black president and black activist of human rights,

At an event at the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg, President Obama said: "The policy of dictators is on the rise." We are trying to ruin all institutions and norms that give power to democracy. "The event, organized by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, drew more than 15,000 people , including President Cyril Lama Fasada and Mrs. Mandela's wife, Ms. Grasma Machil.

Obama said today "a strange and uncertain time" I opened the speech. "Every day the media brings a dizzying and shocking article title.Many parts of the world will return to more dangerous and more barbaric places."

Obama's speech on "Stolenman's Politics" "did not mention the name of US President Donald Trump.But the Obama speech was intended for them, pointing out that the day after the summit between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin took place.

Obama praised the diverse racial makeup of the French national team that won the Russian World Cup.He said: "Is the phobic exacerbation finally a civil war?" Obama also criticized the leaders who deny climate change and race-based immigration policies.

Against Black's policy of black discrimination, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and Was elected first African-American president in the first democratic elections in South Africa the following year

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