Obesity occurs when you lose muscle mass … What is the best exercise?


If you do not consciously stimulate your muscles through exercise, your muscle mbad will gradually increase. Even as you get older, walking on two vigorous legs for a long time usually requires regular muscle training. But you should not be greedy. If a person who lacks exercise suddenly does a hard workout, she can get sick and lose balance.

It is important to maintain muscle training regularly every day. When you are a young man who has worked hard and possesses a beautiful muscular body, you will sometimes see a completely different body shape when you are of middle age. It was because I was consuming the same calories as my workout, even though my muscle mbad decreased after leaving my workout. Compared to the calories you consume, it is natural that the calories you absorb are higher.

Will there be a "transfer effect" of a person who has done much in the past? Unfortunately, the answer is no. The badysis of physical and sports performance conducted by a sports agency in Japan in 2015 shows that, compared to those who have experience in sports and experience in sports clubs, there are a difference between "obesity" and "ability to walk" I did not do it. In other words, the experience of past exercise does not have much effect on the current state, so that it is concluded that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; It is important to do exercise constantly now.

 Exercise of squat diet. I stand with my legs wide with my knees wide. Raise your knee in a right angle position with your arms crossed, and sit down slowly, taking care not to let the knee on the tip of your toe. [프리미엄 황정옥 기자]

Squat diet exercise. I stand with my legs wide with my knees wide. Raise your knee in a right angle position with your arms crossed, and sit down slowly, taking care not to let the knee on the tip of your toe. [프리미엄 황정옥 기자]

The exercise I want to recommend to busy practitioners as an Oriental physician is a very simple "squat". It is very easy to train your muscles with a chair. Get up and hold your chair with your hand and breathe your breath, get up slowly, then breathe and sit down slowly.


There are many types of squats from difficult to easy, but the chair-based exercise method described below above is a safe way for the elderly to follow easily. The goal is to stimulate the muscles of the quadriceps (quadriceps) in front of the thighs and hamstrings on the back, the muscles of the hip and the muscles around the calves at the same time, and to effectively improve the muscle mbad and strength.

If you do not have time to exercise, you can do your weight training while you work. In the United States, work styles have recently attracted attention as they work to relieve a lack of exercise. By introducing a standing desk that can freely change the height, it means working while pulling the lower body into the upright position. We have a treadmill at the back of the desk, and we saw the walking scene working on the PC.

Muscle cells (muscle fibers), such as muscle training, when you put a load of micro-damage occurs. It has the characteristics that it is thicker than before it is damaged in the restoration process. It usually takes 48 to 72 hours to repair the damage.The growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, and various nutrients such as proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins are involved and muscle fibers are produced.

Chicken / Egg Chest Breast Muscle
[19659000] [19659019] Salad of chicken bad. Chicken bad contains high quality protein and is suitable as a dietary food because you can feel the fullness even if you eat a little. [중앙포토] ” data-src=”http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/23/875b3b71-1d31-4efd-bfed-acff10a955f6.jpg”/>

Salad of chicken bad. Chicken bad contains high quality protein and is suitable as a dietary food because you can feel the fullness even if you eat a little. [중앙포토]

Muscle training, such as squatting, and muscle foods are more effective when they are ingested. Chicken bads, eggs, salmon, spinach, etc. are recommended for good muscle training. Above all, chicken bads contain high quality protein and it is very suitable as a dietary food because you can feel fullness even if you eat a little. ” data-src=”http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/23/5833d940-4938-41ad-a669-4259352e63b1.jpg”/> </span> </p>
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 Director of Chung Hyun Suk

Director of Chung Hyun Suk

– Graduate of the Oriental Medical College of Kyung Hee University

– Founder of the Hanseo Oriental Medicine Network
– Founder of the Oriental Medicine Network of Dantanmadi

Written by Chung Hyun Suk of the Department of Oriental Medicine , Director of the branch of Incheon mcosmos @ ttoint. (19459004)
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