Official North "I do not eat Chinese, do not eat … not good quality"


[Pyongyang · Séoul = NewSise] Kim Ji-hoon, a North Korean official who met on the occasion of the Pyongyang Unification Basketball Tournament, emphasized that the perception that their consumer goods are superior to those manufactured in China.

In a conversation with South Korean officials, a North Korean official said that "Chinese products are now completely excluded from food and consumer products".

The official said, "In particular, the house where children grow up does not feed the food using Chinese ingredients," he said. "The products are not safe, so do not use Chinese products." We are not aware of the fact that North Korea is good, "he said," we do not use them anymore. Chinese products because we are much better.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the regime, the North Korean authorities announced that they would present a large-scale group gymnastics on September 9 (September 9), the day of the creation of the scheme.

When asked if there would be many important guests in China, he said, "Of course yes," he said, referring to the possibility of China's visit. by Shi Jingping, "We will come here because we have invited him". The official said: "In sections 9 and 9, we are preparing for a" glowing homeland ", a group gymnastics that is bigger than the Arirang performance."

North Korean officials pointed out that their system is excellent. The grievor said, "We are doing well in the new business we've done, and we're going to be fine." The corporate social responsibility management system and the volunteer management system are both autonomous and responsible C & # 39; s is a well done action that focuses on bad, and productivity is greatly improved.

North Korean authorities also expressed interest in Japanese public opinion in South Korea, the size and media coverage of South Korean media, the badessment of the North American summit and from the North Korean summit (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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