One orange per week … 60% reduction in the risk of presbyopia (research) – Kookmin Ilbo


The consumption of orange helps to reduce the risk of blindness due to aging.

The West Mid School of Medicine, University of Sydney, Australia, surveyed 2,037 adults, 49 years old,

Researchers estimate that the risk of AMD is reduced to 60 % of those who consume only one orange a week, compared to those who never consume it

. ] Aging macular degeneration is a condition that results in loss of vision due to changes such as atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium in the macula that plays an important role in visual acuity.

The researchers badyzed that the antioxidant component of orange, planovoid, prevents or slows down elderly macular degeneration. Flavonoids are present in most fruits and vegetables, but not in other foods except orange.

"This study focuses on the relationship between flavonoids and senile macular degeneration," he said. " Eating a single orange a week can reduce the risk of age-old macular degeneration."

Other research findings can be found in the current issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Reporter Park Min-ji [email protected]

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