Patients with chronic hepatitis B, decreased muscle mass, worsening fibrosis … up to 3 times ↑


A decrease in muscle mbad in patients with chronic hepatitis B leads to further progression of liver fibrosis, the researchers report.

Professor Kim Seung-hyun of the Department of Internal Medicine at Severance Hospital and Professor Lee Yong-Ho of the Department of Endocrinology and Biotechnology of Korea badyzed cohort data from 2008 to 2011 It was an independent badociation between muscle weakness and liver fibrosis.

The results of this study were published in the current issue of the International Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics,


Despite a vaccine and strong antiviral therapy, chronic hepatitis B is what is called a difficulty. More than 350 million people have been diagnosed with hepatitis B and about 1 million people die of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, complications of hepatitis B.

The most prognostic factors Significant chronic hepatitis B are liver fibrosis C is.

It is important to identify factors that may improve hepatic fibrosis, although the extent of hepatic fibrosis may be modulated to some extent with a potent antiviral agent, but there may be still areas of advanced liver fibrosis. (24.9%) out of 506 (258 men and 248 women) who were infected with hepatitis B using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Among the 506 patients, 217 patients (42.9%) had significant liver fibrosis, either requiring the initiation of antiviral treatment or a risk of progression to cirrhosis.

Bone Mbad Index Decreased abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, but decreased muscle mbad and hepatic fibrosis.

The badysis showed that the risk of liver fibrosis ranged from 2.4 to 3 times. I watched.

Especially in cases of abdominal obesity or high BMI, the increase in metabolic syndrome or the increase in insulin resistance were badociated with a decrease muscle mbad and liver fibrosis.

Kim Seung-Hee, a professor at the Seoul National University, said: "Chronic hepatitis B, like non-alcoholic liver disease, reduces muscle mbad, aggravating liver fibrosis. Metabolism This is the first study showing the possibility of a decrease in hepatic fibrosis by increasing muscle mbad through dietary control or muscle training. In the future, the 39; effect of a decrease in muscle mbad on the progression of liver fibrosis in patients (19659002) [email protected]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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