Pompeii "Efforts to achieve finalized and verified democracy in North Korea"


US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced that they would continue to make efforts to achieve the denuclearization of North Korea on the 5th (local time ).

Secretary of State Pompeii, who was in the third round of talks after the summit, said: "I will continue to make efforts to achieve the final and fully verified denuclearization of North Korea, with Kim Jong Eun. "

This message from Secretary of State Pompeii is interpreted as a reaffirmation of his commitment and willingness to put an end to the concerns that surround him and to support "the complete, verifiable and irreversible implementation of the denuclearization of North Korea ".

In this regard, State Department spokesman Heather Noert told reporters that he would not relax the US position on the denuclearization of North Korea.

State Secretary Pompei stated that he wanted to conclude a denuclearization calendar with North Korea.

He said, "There is nothing better than that, and US policy towards North Korea has not changed."

"We want to realize the nuclear-free North Korea, Pompeo also hopes to continue to negotiate with the North Korean leaders to follow up on the agreements he reached at the Singapore summit."

We started in Pyongyang. Pompey will arrive in North Korea via Anchorage on Monday. Kim Young-chul, vice president and head of the unification front, said he would meet with US Secretary of State Mike Pompei in Pyongyang to discuss the issue of denuclearization

Won Kyung- I met with reporters who had a conversation with Kim Tong-jeon at the Goryeo Hotel, which is the hostel of the day, and said: "I talked with Kim Pyeong-jeon from the meeting with Pompeo and from the north side. "

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