Pompeii "Northern CVID, Trump" goal at the end of the first term (compliment)


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Pompeii "Northern CVID, Trump's goal at the end of the first term" (compliment)

"As soon as possible" ... (Seoul = News 1) Jung Jin-tan reporter | The development of North Korean submarine launch missiles State Secretary Mike Pompei, who attended the hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of the United States.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday (Monday) that the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization (DCID) of the United States in relation to the denuclearization of North Korea is the goal American,

According to Reuters, Pompei, at the hearing of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, said that he expected the "denuclearization" to take place as soon as possible. possible.

Minister Pompeii said:

The same day, Democratic MP Ed Maki said, "Yes, they continue to produce fissile material."

Pompei, however, said that North Korea continues to develop ballistic missiles launched by submarines, Minister Pompeau said that public statements do not help to "complicate negotiations with tough enemies".

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