Pompeii will visit North Korea with "a timetable for denuclearization"


I would like to request a complete nuclear declaration by presenting a one-year elimination schedule

The existence of a secret uranium enrichment facility outside of Yongbyon … North Korea unrecognized

"Ability to return to the country" as a result of negotiations … Attention is also drawn to the rejection of the missile test site

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will meet in the second round of negotiations on the denuclearization of North Korea.

North Korea began a full-fledged task of drawing the "complete denuclearization" agreed at the normal level as a concrete sketch. It seems that the tension surrounding the follow-up negotiations is very high because the success or failure of denuclearization depends on how the "retail demon" hides the timetable and the roadmap.

In fact, it is not too late to hold a high-level meeting with North Korea on the occasion of Pompeii's visit to the United States.

Originally scheduled for June 12 North American Summit, it was "late check out".

There is a solution that shows that the fighting between the two parties before the follow-up negotiations is tight. The United States reaffirmed the principle of full, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization (DCID) shortly after the summit and opened a "public debate" to focus on the speedy implementation of denuclearization. Enter.

million. Pompeo, who seeks to return to Pyongyang as "agent" of President Donald Trump, will become a "test team" as a diplomatic watchdog. This is because North Korea's nuclear cache is extended and replicated by focusing on US conservative media, and that it arrives in North Korea in a situation where skepticism is prevalent in Washington. As a wave of negotiation that has led to the North American dialogue up to now, there is a lot of burden to bring significant results.

Minister Pompeo is expected to continue negotiations based on the results of the North American survey conducted in Panmunjom last weekend. The counterpart of the North Korean counterpart has not yet been formulated, but it seems likely that Kim Young-cheol will be vice-chairman of the Labor Party and leader of the Unification Front, which came out at the contact Panmunjom last weekend. As the White House announced that day, Kim Jong-un must meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and attempt to negotiate.

Pompeii's most remarkable point of view during this visit is that both parties will establish a point of contact for the denuclearization calendar. It is expected that the degree of realization of the negotiations for denuclearization, which is the most important first button, will become a wind vane to judge the future of the "Post Singapore" trip.

The United States warned North Korea that it "abandons" North Korea by presenting a timetable for the dismantling of weapons of mbad destruction (WMD) + missiles in one year, as a as NSC Assistant to the National Security Council of the White House. It is clear that it is demanding.
Bolton said yesterday in a media interview: "The United States has devised a program to dismantle weapons of mbad destruction and missiles in one year," he said, referring to specific timetables. "He said.

Serah Sanders, White House spokeswoman, also commented one day before Bolton's remarks: "We have a great momentum for positive change and we are working together for other negotiations." It is said that the idea of ​​"elimination in one year" is the official position of the Pompeii bargaining team.

The "starting point for the establishment of the one-year elimination schedule" should be the "complete nuclear report". For denuclearization to proceed without a timetable, North Korea publishes a comprehensive list of all nuclear weapons, nuclear materials, production and storage facilities, biochemistry, nuclear programs and related facilities, ballistic missile test sites. Position

Pompei should therefore strongly order North Korea to submit a list of nuclear declarations and related reports in the name of confirmation of the authenticity of the denuclearization of North Korea. The New York Times (NYT) said: "Pompeii will arrive in Pyongyang with a denuclearization calendar." It begins with North Korea's declaration of all its weapons, production facilities and missiles. "

What emerged as "the primer" is the existence of a secret uranium enrichment facility outside Yongbyon, recently reported by the US media. The United States should ask North Korea to report a uranium enrichment facility known as "Kangseong" or "Kangseon" based on the judgment of the intelligence authorities, but it is unclear not whether North Korea will recognize its existence. Negotiations on denuclearization are inevitable depending on the extent to which the North Korean party "goes out" without knowing the details of unsinkable facilities that have not been recognized up to now.

If the issue of nuclear declaration is resolved, the broad outlines of the entire roadmap of denuclearization leading to inspection and verification, which is the stage of the more important, will probably be exposed.

Minister Pompeii repeatedly stressed the importance of auditing, and the State Department also emphasized "verification" by using the phrase "denuclearization North Korean final, fully verified. This is a process leading to what is called the "submission of the complete list of reports → inspection and verification".
Another point on which diplomats are paying attention is the suspension of operation of Yongbyon's nuclear facilities, including the 5 megawatt (graphite slowdown) reactor, reprocessing facilities and enrichment facilities. # 39; uranium. , And inspections of inspectors. It should also be noted that President Trump will discuss the issue of dismantling the test field of Dong Gun-Chang missile engines, which has "dragged" Korea's test engine several times over. North.

Pompeii should release a "gift bag" that will naturally support the United States, including system guarantees and economic compensation, during negotiations.

The Trump Administration's first steps towards diplomatic relations with North America include the establishment of a North American Liaison Office and the US Observer that the United States could obtain security guarantees in connection with the ratification of the US Congress. It seems that the issue of easing sanctions against North Korea is not on the table depending on the situation.

In an interview with Fox News the day before, Trump rejected the concession to North Korea as "we have given nothing" saying, "What we are trying to do, is to good things to come and North Korea will have a bright future, has repeatedly highlighted the "bright future" ahead of North Korea and has repeatedly presented "carrots".

Another point to watch is that Minister Pompei, who was on the plane to return home with three US-Korean detainees in the second round of May, will see the fruits of the repatriation of the dead during the Korean War. in Pyongyang

The repatriation of remains is already agreed at the summit, and it is reported that the practical preparations for the transfer of the first harmonization of about 200 neighborhoods have actually been completed, but the comments of North Korea are inaccurate. Diplomats also suggested that North Korea could link it with the results of a high-level North American meeting.

Trump publicly expressed his trust in Kim Jong-un, but Pompeo, the "negotiator," said during his visit to the United States that Ronald Reagan, US president at the Soviet disarmament talks, he It appears that negotiations will be conducted as carefully as possible in accordance with the negotiations. Observers say the two sides will have to tighten their grip on the "details" of denuclearization.

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