Potential growth of the domestic coffee market, "Towards the 30's to 30's"


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▲ Announcement of the Chinese conference CoCoTea Asia

[데일리그리드] Contrary to the general consensus that the domestic coffee market is saturated, experts argued that the growth potential is still healthy.

Professor Kim Nae-hee from the Chungnam Provincial University recently participated in the "CoCoTea Asia 2018 Conference" held at the Anhui Agricultural University in China as a coffee specialist. It's healthy. "

Professor Kim said: "Economists believe that the coffee market in Korea is already saturated, but cafes have already been accepted as part of their lives by young people." Proof of that. "

Professor Kim predicted that the coffee market would be more active on the basis of the "age-cafe consumer ratio".

Professor Kim said: "In terms of the rate of coffee consumption, consumers tend to be the most powerful consumers in their twenties and thirties, and more than 80% of consumers say they use coffee very often. it's part of life and that lifestyle will be maintained. "

"While the minor population is entering the coffee market and is likely to lead the market growth, the Korean coffee market still has considerable potential for growth," he said.

It also explains the activation of the specialty coffee market, which leads coffee to the rank of gourmet, and suggests that it should pay attention to the domestic coffee market that will encounter the era of "growth". quantitative mature "in the future.

At the same time, the "CoCoTea Asia Conference" is an international conference on cocoa, coffee and tea held in Italy in 2011 and in Europe, particularly in Portugal. It was held in Anhui Province, the first Asian city in 2018.
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