President Roh Moo-hyun visits Singapore … New Northeast Policy –


Entry 2018.07.08 09:24

President Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jung-sook, who returned to Korea after a state visit to Russia on November 24, will travel to India and Singapore on February 8, 5, and 6. .

A senior official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "India and Singapore are the key to the new Northeast policy advocated by President Moon, with a focus on a peaceful settlement of the Korean peninsula and a strengthening of economic cooperation. "We hope that both countries will further support the Korean Peninsula's policy of peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula," he said.

Mr. Moon will establish a schedule related to the economy, including a visit to the Samsung group's first business after its inauguration.After arriving in India in the afternoon of October 8, President Moon will visit the largest temple Hindu of the World, Aksar Dam Temple. The next day, he will meet Mr. Suhshuman and Rajin's Foreign Minister, and deliver a speech at the Korea-India Business Forum.

[19659003] A high function Cheong Wa Dae re said: "Can the president digest the schedule together when the vice president has not finished the lawsuit? "Why not come?"

On the 10th, President Moon attends the official reception ceremony and holds a Korea-India summit with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He will attend the "Korea-India CEO Round Table", which will be attended by business representatives from both countries and will hold a Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate with the authorities. governments and institutions of both countries. [19659004Danslasoiréedu10jerencontreraileprésidentdel'ÉtatindienNatKovindetbadisteraiàundînerd'ÉtatLe12septembreleprésidentMoonquiserendenIndedepuisSingapourbadisteàuneréceptionofficielleets'entretientensuiteavecleprésidentHaryimayaJakobenmargedusommetSingapour-Singapore

The President Moon also witnessing an orchid naming ceremony, in which the name & # 39; a foreign leader is given orchids grown by the Singapore government. It is the first time that the Korean president participates in the baptismal ceremony. In the afternoon, he will deliver a speech at the Korea-Singapore Business Forum and attend a state dinner

On the 13th day of his tour, Moon will visit the Singapore Lekche of 400 leaders and opinions from Singapore opinion. And messages about peace and prosperity in Asia.

A senior official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "It is a calendar based on the request of Singapore" and will focus on "the peace and prosperity of the Korean peninsula are related to ASEAN Peace and Prosperity,

President Moon arrives in his country after completing a luncheon to cheer his compatriots on the last day.

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