President Wen Jiabao, "India and India trade up to 50 billion dollars by 2030"


President Moon Jae-in, visiting India on October 10, said: "Today, at the summit, I realized that the time has come to develop the Korea-Korea strategic partnership. India and take it up.

The two leaders agreed to increase bilateral trade between the two countries from 20 billion dollars to 50 billion dollars by 2030, based on the results of the The Korea-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (PACE), a form of free-trade agreement, agreed to conclude an agreement as soon as possible

President Moon has a summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Prime Minister's guesthouse "I am now focusing on" New East Policy ", which focuses on cooperation with South Korea, and" New South Policy ", which is the main focus cooperation partner of India, "he said in a joint statement." The Prime Minister Minister and Gandhi Memorial Hall have thought of world peace and, at the inauguration ceremony of the new Samsung Electronics plant in Noida, we confirmed our strong commitment to developing economic cooperation between the two countries. " Developed relationships in various fields for 45 years after diplomatic relations and in 2015 with the visit of Prime Minister Mori,

President Moon said: "Today, Moody and I will promote cooperation for people, prosperity and peace, and create an engine for future growth in response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.More "cooperation, and consulted on specific measures."

The first was to promote national trade between the two countries , to regularize regular visits to each other and to expand high-level consultations among governments.

The second was the expansion of economic cooperation, which was at the heart of the Korea summit agenda -India, and the second was the expansion of economic cooperation, which was the key agenda of the Korea-India summit.He also discussed ways to increase the start-up exchanges with large companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises in both countries.

million. Moon said: "Korean companies that have penetrated into various parts of India have participated in the construction of the Indian factory" Make-in "." We respond to the policy of "Make in India" and conduct economic cooperation between our two countries. "We hope that the foundations of the mutual prosperity of our two countries will be expanded as the entry of our company in India and India will become more active.

. two leaders agreed to increase bilateral trade between the two countries by 2030 from $ 20 billion to $ 50 billion on the basis of these cooperative results. "" The Partnership Agreement Korea-India Global Economic (CEPA)), "And stressed," We decided to make a positive badessment of the new negotiations on the negotiations and to work on the swift conclusion of the negotiations.


President Moon said: "I will explain the efforts and initiatives of our Government for the permanent establishment of the Korean Peninsula," I expressed my gratitude and expressed my gratitude to Mody for reaffirming his willingness to cooperate in the future for peace on the Korean peninsula. "

million. Moon added: "We have also decided to strengthen cooperation during the multilateral consultation of 19459007, such as the East Asia Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum for Peace and Peace. stability in the region. " He added.

Finally, the two leaders decided to build a platform of cooperation to jointly respond to the fourth industrial revolution. The goal is to bring together the human resources of the ICT sector in India with the abundant experience of Korea and its manufacturing and marketing technologies to boost the growth drivers of both countries.

At the end of the joint press release, President Moon said, "I hope this new visit to India will lead to a new era of strategic cooperation between the two countries." I hope that the The meeting will be a starting point. "We look forward to Mori's visit to the North in 2020, and look forward to continuing to communicate closely with the various multilateral and online summits." New Delhi [Inde] = New York

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