Presidential statement of ratification of the Pyongyang declaration without consent … An opposition party "ignores parliament"


President Moon Jae-in tapped on the hammer to announce the start of the cabinet meeting on the 23rd. In the afternoon, President Moon re-examined September's Pyongyang joint statement and agreement concluded for the historic declaration of Panmunjom. Cheong Wa Dae said:

President Moon Jae-in tapped on the hammer to announce the start of the cabinet meeting on the 23rd. In the afternoon, President Moon re-examined September's Pyongyang joint statement and agreement concluded for the historic declaration of Panmunjom. Cheong Wa Dae said: "The joint declaration of Pyongyang can not be ratified by the National Assembly." [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in signed the Pyongyang Joint Statement and the South-North Military Agreement in the afternoon of the 23rd. The Pyongyang Joint Declaration will enter into force upon its publication in the Official Journal. , and the South-North military agreement will follow separate procedures after the exchange of documents with the North.

Prior to that, President Moon said: "The development of inter-Korean relations and the easing of military tensions will facilitate the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula by facilitating and facilitating the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula," the Council said. at a meeting of the State Council having deliberated and voted on the Joint Declaration of Pyongyang and the.

President Moon said: "The ratification of the Pyongyang Joint Declaration and other measures will not only help protect the lives and safety of our people, but also our economy by eliminating the crisis factors on the peninsula. . " I will be the first to benefit. President Moon said, "There is a real way to promote the human rights of North Koreans."

Pyongyang's joint declaration of April 27th of the Panmunjom Declaration was ratified by the government and the approval of the Pyongyang joint statement by the government has been interpreted as a willingness to firmly enforce the Pyongyang Declaration. agreement reached between the two Koreas. However, the opposition claimed that the Pyongyang joint statement should be followed by the parliamentary ratification process after the conclusion of the Parliament's ratification of the Panmunjom declaration.

"The joint declaration of Pyongyang and the agreement of the military sector, which correspond to real links, are not approved by the National Assembly without the approval of the National Assembly," said Kim Sung-tae, a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. "The President's approval by President" Kim Gwan-young, spokesman for the ruling Grand National Party, also pointed out that "after withdrawing approval of the statement from Panmunjom, the president himself had to ratify the Panmunjom statement and the military agreement, or follow the Diet's debate on the approval of the Panmunjom statement ".

President Lim Jong-seok met with reporters and said, "We must ratify the National Assembly when the new inter-Korean agreements create a heavy financial burden." We see no agreement in principle, orientation or declaration (ratification of the National Assembly) "There was no ratification of the principle and declarative consensus."

A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae said: "The two conditions that require the ratification of the National Assembly in the law on the development of inter-Korean relations are that it is necessary to bear financial charges and important legislative problems, "he said.

Kim said: "In 2007, when the ratification agreement agreement between the two Koreas was waiting in the National Assembly, a follow-up agreement was signed on the occasion of the Committee for Economic Cooperation at the Cabinet Level, the Committee for the Promotion of the Special Cooperation Zone for Cooperation in South Korea, and the Ministers of Defense. "He added.

At a recent meeting of the National Security Council, Moon said: "I will visit the main countries, including France and Britain, permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, or discuss the issue. Evolution of bilateral relations at individual summits We have gained broad support for the process. "" The Vatican and the Pope have expressed their absolute support, including expressing their intention to travel to Pyongyang ", has -he adds.

Meanwhile, Moon attended the opening ceremony of the 17th Global Convention of Korean Enterprises held at Incheon Songdo Convensia this afternoon, encouraging Korean businessmen and businessmen. local. In his congratulatory speech, President Moon said that "when the North and South freely realize a single economic community on the basis of a complete denuclearization and peaceful settlement of the Korean Peninsula, our country and our economy will be able to leap forward. "

Woon Moon Hee · Anhyosung reporter [email protected]

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