Prime Minister Lee Myung-bak begins a trip to Africa, the Middle East and Africa


[Nairobi = NewSea] Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, who traveled to Africa and the Middle East on his trip to the Middle East, announced on the 20th that he had begun his official program for Kenya.

Afternoon in Kenya Nairobi arrived at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. On the Kenyan side, Foreign Minister Monica Zuma and Jomu Churu 's Minister of Information and Communication Technologies received the Prime Minister at the airport.

Lee started his Kenyan schedule and said, "I fly from Seoul to Nairobi in 12 hours and 50 minutes". "He is easy to read, quoting many examples," he said, explaining that unlike politicians or the media, human life is clearly improving.

This was the first event in Kenya, held on 19 (local time) at a Korean rally, invited representatives of domestic and foreign companies to Kenya, encouraged and heard suggestions. There are 1180 Koreans living in Kenya and 22 companies of which POSCO Daewoo, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics have entered the company.

During his stay in Kenya, Prime Minister Wufuran Kenya and Korean companies Kenya Infrastructure & It is planned to hold bilateral talks on the expansion of entry into the energy sector and Korean start-ups entering Kenya. I have a lunch with Vice President William Luther.

Lee will also give an opening address at the Korea – Kenya Business Forum. Twenty-eight companies and 41 businessmen accompanying the visit to Kenya are expected at the business forum.

Prime Minister Lee will leave for Tanzania on the 21st after visiting the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), visit the KOPIA Center for Foreign Agricultural Technology Development (KOPIA) and participate in the participation ceremony to the Korean Rice Food Aid Project. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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