Prime Minister Lee Myung-bak visits Afghanistan, the Middle East,


[Séoul = Newsweek] Kim Ji-hyun, Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Lee Nak-yeon, Prime Minister, will visit Korea, Tanzania and Oman from 19 to 26 to broaden diplomatic horizons,

An official of the first Minister said: "Lee leaves the tour in his own plane." This is the proposal of Mr. Moon Jae-in. "The Prime Minister traveled to Latin America and Europe in March and May, using a civilian plane each time.

Prime Minister Lee will visit Kenya from 19 to 21 on his first trip in Africa and the Middle East The visit to Kenya was only six years as prime minister of the Republic of Korea Kenya is the center of information technology and start-ups in Africa, known under the name of Silicon Savannah, a bridgehead in East Africa

Prime Minister Lee visited the KOPA office during his visit ▲ Visit of the overseas agricultural technology development project KOPIA ▲ Food Donation Ceremony for the World Food Program ▲ Invitation to National and Regional Leaders It has a schedule such as the meeting.

In bilateral negotiations with Kenya, there will be consultations on the agenda. expansion of trade and investment, expanding Korean companies' access to Kenya's infrastructure and energy, and launching Korean start-ups in Kenya. Visit to Tanzania from February 21 to 23, ▲ notify President John MaguPuri, visit Prime Minister Kashim Mahalli with the Prime Minister, visit the development cooperation project, ▲ host the Tanzanian Business Forum, invite representatives of Korea volunteers, Japan and Koika.

Tanzania is a country that has not experienced a civil war or coup since independence and has experienced a 7% economic growth rate in recent years, for the first time in 26 years.

At the meeting of the Korean and Tanzanian Prime Minister, there will be consultations on the successful promotion of bilateral development cooperation projects and the expansion of Korean enterprises.

The Prime Minister will travel to Oman for 23-25 ​​days as the last of the two countries to attend the summit. As Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea, he has been to Oman for six years since 2012. Oman continues its logistics and energy activities in the Middle East due to its geographical advantage over the Indian Ocean and actively promotes diversified policies of oil and industrial diversification such as the development of special economic zones and Oman Vision 2020.

This Prime Minister holds bilateral talks and an official lunch with Deputy Prime Minister Assad Al Said in Oman.

Bilateral negotiations aim to promote information and communication technologies (ICTs), information and information technologies (ICTs), as well as areas of cooperation traditional ones such as energy, construction and infrastructure.

Prime Minister Lee Kun-hee will meet senior officials from Oman and the Korea-Oman Business Forum on behalf of the Korean government, and return to Korea.

The Prime Minister said: "This trip was promoted as part of the government's policy of diversifying its diplomacy." He added: "Strengthening trade diplomacy, including strengthening diplomacy in Africa and the Middle East,

It is expected that this will be the opportunity to obtain the cooperation and support of host countries in the process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of a peace regime, said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister also said: "This visit is significant because it is the 100th national task to be done to strengthen economic diplomacy and development cooperation that promotes the national interest. "" We organize business forums in the three countries. (19659002) fine @

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