Prostate Gynecology Birth Malformation … The Cause of Environmental Pollution


[더,오래] Detoxification of the immortal (2)

  Because the child undergoes rapid changes in growth and development in the immature state,. [사진 pixabay]

Children are particularly vulnerable to environmental pollution because their bodies undergo rapid changes in growth and development when they are immature.

In physician surveys, the most common environmental illness in our society is childhood asthma. It was the birth of an illness that was the most talked about environmental illness that should alert society.

Children are particularly vulnerable to pollution of the environment. Why? First, children experience rapid changes in growth and development when their bodies are immature. The detoxification system to protect their bodies against chemicals has not yet developed. Every body organ is particularly susceptible to damage during development.

Second, they breathe faster, eat more, drink more than adults. This means greater exposure to chemicals in the atmosphere, food and water.

Third, children are more likely to be exposed to chemicals, such as pesticides and heavy metals, on the outside. On the inside, there is a high risk of contact or inhalation of cleaning products, paints or cosmetics, but they do not recognize the potential threat of these chemicals.


If you can see the normal development of the fetus itself The best indicator is the weight. The normal weight of a newborn is 3.5 kg, if it is less than 2.5 kg, it is clbadified as a low birth weight baby. Low birth weight infants are born with physical and physiological immaturity and are closely linked to survival and present more problems and risk factors for growth development than normal newborns.

Low birth weight infants can not eat bad milk or artificial food for some time after birth, and often do not control their own temperature. It can take many kinds of illnesses, and if you get sick, you can get sick and need more active treatments and care.

 Neonates born before 36 weeks of gestation are termed premature babies. Premature infants have lower immunity than infants and are vulnerable to various diseases. [중앙포토]

Neonates born before 36 weeks of gestation are called premature babies. Premature infants have lower immunity than infants and are vulnerable to various diseases. [중앙포토]

During the normal period of pregnancy, the fetus born before the age of 37 to 42 weeks is called premature (premature infant). The prevalence of premature birth varies from one country to another, but on average it is 5 to 10% of premature births. Causes of premature labor include various complications such as pregnancy toxemia and maternal chronic diseases, or bad bleeding, multiple pregnancies, abnormal pregnancies, and exposure to environmental pollutants.

Prevalence of preterm children with low mental capacity and high mortality is 90% at 1 ㎏ or less, 50% at 1 ~ 1.5 ㎏, 25% at 1.5 2 2 ㎏, 10% at 2 ~ 2.5 ㎏ I'm going to die. The head is bigger than the trunk, the skin is thin, the red light is round and the subcutaneous fat is small. Temperature control is also insufficient, and breathing difficulties are not uncommon.

Digestion, liver function and kidney function are also worse than maturity. There is also a high risk of hypertension, which is a risk factor for insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and heart disease, which can lead to type 2 diabetes (adult) more late in life.

A patient I know was born at 2.4 kg and was treated for a month in the hospital incubator. Since then, the weight has been increased to obesity, but now that the young man shows insulin resistance and glucose intolerance before the stage of diabetes. However, those born with a lower weight than the norm can avoid these problems if they maintain a normal weight through healthy habits such as exercise and eating habits.

[19459] ] Although the number of newborns has decreased overall. [중앙포토]” data-src=””/>

Although the number of newborns has decreased overall, the number of high risk babies has increased, including premature babies and low birth weight babies. [중앙포토]

Although the total number of newborns has decreased in Korea, the number of high-risk newborns such as premature babies and low birth weight babies has increased and the proportion of newborns has also increased. The number of high-risk neonates from 16,177 (3.8%) in 2010 increased to 18,871 (4.7%) in 2014.

In case of environmental pollution, conbad malformations may occur. According to a study published by Inha University, the prevalence of conbad malformations in Korea increased on average by 9.1% over the period 2008-2014. Urinary bad abnormalities had a significant impact on the prevalence rate. The prevalence of genitourinary conbad anomalies in 2009-2010 was 6.2 times that of 1993-1994.

The incidence of conbad anomalies is higher in Korea than in Korea

About 4% of all newborns. Among them, cardiac abnormalities and genitourinary abnormalities are numerous. The cause of conbad anomalies has yet to be established.

The cause of the disease before birth is called conbad anomaly, of which conbad deformity is distinguished from normal malformation. The causes are genetic abnormalities, chromosomal abnormalities and the risk of exposure during pregnancy.

 Care should be taken not to expose the child to environmental hazards before or during pregnancy. [중앙포토]

Care must be taken not to expose the child to environmental hazards before or during pregnancy. [중앙포토]

Newborn health problems are likely to cause serious harm, such as leaving a disability or causing chronic illness in adults. As a parent, everyone wants their children to be healthy.

Be careful not to expose our children to environmental hazards before or during pregnancy. We are now living in a time when we need to protect our health against a variety of health risk factors. Parents should try to avoid exposure to harmful substances before the birth of the child.

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