Putin "Trump invited to Moscow" White House "Visit"


Russian President Putin replied that he wanted to invite US President Donald Trump to the United States on the 27th.

The White House said Thursday that the summit of the United States and Russia will be held. 39, held in Helsinki, Finland,

Putin said that the 10th Briggs, which ended in Johannesburg, South Africa, said Wednesday that he was "in favor of the second series of talks "

President Putin said:" We will invite President Trump to Moscow, and we will not be able to invite President Trump to Moscow, "he said at a press conference after the BRICS summit. I'm ready, he has already been invited and I told him about the invitation. "

He added," I am ready to go to Washington, "but I have the slightest idea that" there are suitable conditions for work there. "

Putin says he and Trump are ready to meet again A White House spokesman, Serah Sanders, said in a statement: "President Trump has stated that he wants to invite President Putin to Washington for an invitation to go to Washington. "

Putin said on the agenda of the US-Russia summit that" this will be linked to the problems of many nations and all of Europe, "he said. that the extension of the new START Treaty would be one of them

. "If we do not start the negotiations today, this agreement will disappear by 2021. "

The new strategic arms reduction treaty was signed by Russian President Barack Obama in 2010 with Russia,

It expires in early February 2021 and can be extended until a period of five years or less under the agreement of both parties.

Putin is also involved in the Syrian Civil War,

Putin said at a press conference that Trump's efforts to defend his election promise was a great advantage.

He said that "Trump's big plus" is trying to fulfill his promises to voters and the American people. This is a unique feature of President Trump.

On May 25, John Bolton, a senior adviser to the National Security Council (NSC), said that after the beginning of next year, President Trump said that he would "

Initially, President Trump traveled to Russia for the second round of negotiations in autumn after the first official summit in Helsinki,

In addition to the second US-Russian summit, the US Secretary of Defense James Mathis has the opportunity, for the first time in several years, to host the ministerial talks between the United States and the Republic of Korea, but he added that he did not still decided.

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