Quiagen Korea will move to QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus


【Seoul = NewSys】 RyuNanYoung reporter Quaiagen Korea announced on the 17th that he plans to convert Quantum Peron-TB Gold, a diagnostic product of conventional latent TB, to QuantaPeron -TB Gold Plus from here the end of this year.

QuantiFERON – TB Gold Plus was last approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last year and was finally approved by the Food and Drug Administration in October 2016.

QuantiFERON- TB Gold Plus quantifies the CD8 + response of T cells, an important immune cell in the body, by adding a patented CD8 + tube to the existing QuantiFERON-TB gold. This can help identify latent TB and active TB and identify recent infection. In addition, the sensitivity and specificity can be improved to 95% and 99%, respectively, and it is possible to confirm the infection more precisely, and it is possible to carry out the inspection in the # 39; standardized equipment without adding the blood preservative.

In addition, fourth-generation QuantiPeron -TB Gold Plus recipients who are currently in transition can receive a latent tuberculosis test at no additional cost, as can the third generation. Last February, the government revised the criteria for the application and standards of medical benefits in the revised Health Insurance Assessment and Review Service project to revise the criteria for the treatment of health care. Antigen-stimulated interferon-gamma test specific for TB and human immunodeficiency virus. Long-term steroid injections and prescribers ▲ Existing benefit criteria limited to those undergoing gastrectomy or bypbad of the donor such as gastrectomy or presbyopia, contact with infectious TB patients, patients with thoracic tuberculosis, transplantation of patients, and organs (including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) Patients taking antihypertensive drugs or those who will use them.

Although latent tuberculosis is exposed to stagnant tuberculosis, it is not infected and shows no symptoms, but if immunity weakens, it can lead to tuberculosis at any time. moment, so that early detection and preventive treatment are important. In Korea, there are approximately 36,000 new TB cases per year in the last five years and it is still a shame that the number of TB patients among the OECD countries is the number 1, so the need management of latent tuberculosis increases. In fact, about a third of the people in our country have TB in their bodies and one in 10 of them has active TB.

QuantiFERON-TB, a diagnostic test for latent tuberculosis in the quiagen, is a test using the cell-mediated immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis by interferon-gamma secretion test. The fourth-generation QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus is now used in more than 75 countries and is the only test included in the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for testing interferon secretion. gamma

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