Renovation works for the opening of an inter-Korean liaison office Begins tomorrow


On October 8, the South and North Liaison Office of the Inter Korean Cooperation Office checks the electrical room and the machine room of the first basement of the Bureau of Inter-Korean Cooperation and Cooperation. Korean


The Ministry of Unification said: "The South and North followed the mutual consultation on the construction schedule, etc., after the preparations for the renovation work were completed on 19 and 22 of last month."

We are going to visit Korea for renovations tomorrow, and we will be working on 26 people for the renovations tomorrow.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Deputy Minister of Unification of the Ministry of Unification of Chunhae Province. Since August 8, the South-North Liaison Office of the South-North Liaison Office visited the Gaeseong Industrial Complex. Underground floods, wall leaks and glbad breakage were found in the inter-Korean exchange and consultancy office.

The North-South Liaison Office agreed on the "Declaration of Panmunjom" of April 27 by the leaders of North and South.

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