"Return to the era of Sijing's reign … Return to the Mao era of fear"


Zhong Qinghua University writes on the Internet

A law professor at Tsinghua University in China sent a letter to the Internet with a blind date asking for the abolition from the birthday to the anniversary and the abandonment of the personal worship.

Shi Jung-lun (Jung-joon, 56, photo) The law professor at Tsinghua University recently criticized the liberal civil think-tank, Tian (Tennyu) published 4 pages A4 paper on the Institute of Economics website, "Current Fear and Expectation".

Professor Xie said, "The way the government of the country has been recently revolted is against time." The Chinese people are very confused about the direction of national development, personal life and security . I have already reached a certain level of panic throughout the country, "he said.

Professor Shi badessed that the Chinese political system has gone beyond the four channels of" magistrate "who In the meantime, ministers said that it is essential to maintain the basic police and provide a clear vision of the nation, a restrictive recognition of private property and the search for wealth through the people, a limited freedom of citizenship and a political mandate.In particular, he said: "The reform of the reform and opening of the last 30 years has been cleared and the Chinese government has returned to" l & # 39; Mao era "of fear.

Professor Nanagish has presented eight concerns and eight alternatives to China at the present time. He is concerned about property rights, basic national policies that are uneconomic, the resumption of clbad struggle, the fear of seclusion, excessive foreign aid, the race for Armaments and war, "He said Professor Shu criticized the" fear of seclusion "and said:" Relations with Western countries, represented by the United States, are blocked and move closer to the dictatorship like North Korea and Venezuela is against the people and against time.

Finally, Professor Shi proposed an alternative to stop the worship of individuals, restore the mandate of the president and reevaluate the Tiananmen conflict. also the withdrawal of unnecessary foreign aid, the reduction of diplomacy, the abolition of privileges enjoyed by retired leaders, the elimination of special services for companies and special organizations,

Professor Shi said at the end of the article: "I have already said all that I have to say. Life and death of man are in destiny, and the rise of the nation is in heaven. "Some are worried that Professor Shi may have an anomaly."

Beijing – Kwon correspondent Oh-hyeok [email protected]

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