Rheumatoid arthritis can be improved by restoring broken body balance :: Star Daily News


[스타데일리뉴스=황규준 기자] It is said that stress is a source of panic. It is difficult and accurate to quantify stress in a visible way, but everyone knows that irregular lifestyles, eating habits and tension can have a negative effect on physical fitness. If the body is constantly overpopulated, it will not affect the immediate life, but it can be exposed to diseases badociated with reduced immunity and deadly risks.

▲ Aegis Oriental Clinic Director of the Gwangju Dong-hyun Kim Branch

Rheumatoid arthritis is a typical example of autoimmune diseases that appear as immune system abnormalities. It is often thought that arthritis is present in old age, but it is an articular disease that can be observed regardless of age. This is because the immune system abnormality occurs, instead of bacteria and viruses that invade the inside of the body, we create an immune cell that recognizes our body as an attack target. This immune cell attacks the joints and causes inflammation in the joints.

The etymology of rheumatoid arthritis comes from rheuma, which means to flow in Greek. Although the name is different, it is a disease that has existed for a long time. In Oriental medicine, we talk about painful back pain, mild wind and gout, because the pain is severe and the joints of the whole body and muscles are painful. It is also possible to block the mechanism of the symptoms that appear and improve it, so that there is a record of it.

One aspect that can differentiate herbal therapies from rheumatoid arthritis is that it blocks the pathogenesis of the disease.

The director of Eastern Clinic Aegis, Gwangju Branch, said: "Immediately, it is possible to prevent the spread of the immune system," Even though the pain is moderate, the deformation of the joint can continue if the actual mechanism of the disease is not blocked. "Because joint deformity due to rheumatoid arthritis is an irreversible change," Eastern herbal medicine is a method that can improve the condition by preventing progression of the disease and improving the physical condition.The personalized diagnosis, prescription, and direction of treatment according to the individual are the biggest benefits of Oriental medicine. I can see, "he explained.

"From the moment the disease has improved somewhat, there is a favorable treatment of herbal medicine to prevent recurrence through dietary and lifestyle management." "It is not meant to cure the disease There is virtually no concern about side effects, and we can hope for an improvement in our body."

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