"Roadside commute" cause of death of air pollution of girls' first report



Three Years of Asthma Symptoms First report from Britain that the death of a nine-year-old girl was due to severe air pollution. The mother of this girl is preparing a lawsuit, saying that the government should prioritize children's lives rather than the driver's convenience.

Kim is a correspondent.


Ella was not born with asthma

She started coughing at the age of 6 when she was 6 years old, was hospitalized several times for asthma attacks and died in 2013.

Stephen Holgate, a member of the government's advisory committee, conducted a survey of 27 hospitalizations and levels of air pollution

A comparison of data from an inspection center located near the house revealed that pollution was at its highest level except for one case.

The report concluded that "there was no serious air pollution,

The BBC reported that it was the first report to recognize the direct link between individual deaths and air pollution.

Ella's mother asked the Attorney General's office to help her to continue the trial.

Whether the decision that the death of 39; Ella is related to air pollution, the government could apply more powerful measures.

(Drawing Image: Shin Jae-hoon)

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