"Russia does not need ethnic minorities." Putin's speech is true?


The speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin on issues relating to ethnic minorities is shared and shared by the SNS in the midst of a controversy over the arrival of the applicant on the island of Jeju.

According to a shared post, President Putin delivered a speech on the issue of ethnic minorities in Russia on February 4, 2013 in the Duma of the Russian Parliament.

Putin says, "If you want to live, work, and eat in Russia, you must use Russian and abide by Russian law." If they prefer Sharia (Islamic law), advise them to do so. adopt this law. Russia does not need ethnic minorities. "

" We will not give them the privilege or change the law any way they want, no matter how noisy they are, "he said.

Some English-language positions also include the fact that the Russian legislators who received the speeches sent a standing ovation for five minutes
President Putin, famous for his usual direct speech, There are many things that are not. Putin really made this speech in Congress?

In the end, President Putin never made this speech.First, on February 4, 2013, also known as the date of the speech, and the President Putin's speech in February of the same year, have not been discussed in parliament.There is no record in the presidential remarks of the Kremlin website, where he spoke in parliament or did statements like this.

This fact, known as President Putin's anti-Islamic speech, has turned out not to be true repeatedly in foreign media since it first aired in April 2013.

According to media verification, Has been spread for more than 10 years. Beginning in 2005, with Australian Prime Minister John Howard, three Australian prime ministers were created in 2013. Later, a European version, known as French Prime Minister François Piquet, also appeared. Of course, none of the above politicians has made such a statement.

President Putin's speech to the SNS is not true. So what does President Putin have to say about ethnic minorities and immigrants in Russia? Even though it was in a more moderate and refined tone, President Putin made similar statements.

million. Putin attended the Expansion Conference of the Federal Emigration Authority on January 26, 2012, stating that "Russia should not be a country where everyone can enter," he said. added. We must learn to respect our culture and traditions and create the conditions to comply with Russian law. "

" Unfortunately, our economy can not be sustained without foreign workers. We have greatly simplified the work permit process for foreign experts who need our economy, "he admitted to foreign workers as needed.

According to Professor Sohn Hyun-seop of Hanyang University, Russia has less than 140 million inhabitants, despite the largest country in the world, and the labor force of foreign workers fills up with manpower.

In 2014, there were up to 5 million illegal immigrants in Russia. More than 600,000 immigrants without a visa are violating their stay. These illegal immigrants do not integrate well into society, commit racial crimes and provoke social controversy.

In addition, cheap foreign workers replace jobs of local Russians, while Russians continue their vicious circle of avoiding lower paid jobs and employers continue to seek foreign workers.


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