Russia Moscow protests against the revision of the law on pensions … Rebellion during the age of extended retirement (full)


The government must revise the Pensions Act to increase the age of 65 for men and 63 for women

Several cities, including Moscow, protested against the revision of the law on pensions, aimed at extending the retirement age.
According to the Interfax news agency, a demonstration against the revision of the pension law led by the Communist Party took place in Moscow in the morning afternoons.

Police said that about 6,500 people participated in the protest, which was held with the permission of the municipal government.

However, the organizers of the protest made a mixed statement that at least 12,000 people and up to 50,000 people participated.

Protesters are supposed to protect retirees, cancel the retirement age extension plan, and take to the streets with placards carrying slogans, as asking them to come to the rescue.

Communist Party leader Gennadi Juganov and leftist political leaders led protesters.

Some demonstrators demanded the resignation of the cabinet and the dissolution of parliament.

The demonstration, which took place at the borders of the police, ended without major disruption.

In Lenin Square, in the second largest city of St. Petersburg, there was also a protest against the revision of the pension law led by the Communist Party.

Local police say, "About 1,500 people participated in the protests and there were no infractions."

Demonstrations also took place in such cities as Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Southern Samara, Chelabinsk, the Ural Mountains, and Belinkovgrad and Kaliningrad


Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, On the 14th, he announced the revision of the law on pensions, from 2019 to 2028, the mandatory retirement age being 65 years old and the age of the retirement of women 63 years old by 2034.

Currently, Russia is 60 years old and 55 years old.

The amendment to the law on pensions, pbaded by parliament, aimed to reduce the financial burden of implementing the national program of improving the well-being of President Vladimir Putin announced on 4 May, but public opinion is extremely negative.

There is also an badysis that the reform of the pension law could become a "bait" that explodes public complaints about long-term power and economic hardship,

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(Moscow-Yonhap News)

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