Russia "Trump Putin summit to be held at G20 meeting this month"


US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to hold separate bilateral talks at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 30.

"There will be a broad and substantive meeting between President Putin and President Trump at the G20 meeting and a brief meeting in Paris," Yuri Ushakov, Kremlin foreign policy adviser, told reporters.

Putin and President Trump will hold bilateral talks in Paris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War in Paris on November 11. If the summit is held at the G20, the two leaders will meet twice a month.

President Trump and President Putin met for the last time in Helsinki, Finland, last July. The United States canceled the second round of talks, scheduled for the fall of this year, with a strong US public opinion at the top.

However, the United States appears to have resumed the summit the year when diplomatic issues such as the withdrawal of the agreement on nuclear energy in the medium term have been abandoned. Trump, who announced his withdrawal from the UN on Oct. 20, is expected to meet Putin and explain the context.

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