Seborrheic dermatitis, because you have to know correctly, can improve the effect of treatment


[대한급식신문=김나운 기자] No symptoms in our body will ever appear without reason. There is always a reason for the symptoms to appear. Seborrheic dermatitis of the hair is also the same.

Kyoo Hee Sam, a member of the Kyunghee University Clinic, said, "It is easy to see the skin as a problem only when the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis of the head appear." No, he says, when the symptoms appear through the skin, I think that is the cause of the sebaceous glands, but the real cause of the actual capillary dermatitis is in our bodies. "

There is heat in our body, Circule throughout the body. If the heat circulating throughout the body does not flow properly, seborrheic dermatitis will occur.

When a metabolic disorder occurs, the upper body, especially the sebaceous gland, has the most severe face and the heat does not go down to the scalp.

As heat builds up, the sebaceous glands are stimulated, resulting in the onset of a boreal dermatitis, which usually occurs first with seborrheic dermatitis or a seborrheic dermatitis of the face. However, if the first treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is not properly done, the symptoms gradually spread to the body.

"It's important that you quickly notice that the symptoms that appear to you are caused by seborrheic dermatitis," Koo said. "Most of them suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and must be cautious about acne and simple dandruff." He said, "Do not miss the treatment time and do your best to avoid the fatal symptoms.

If you have facial hair and swelling, swelling, burning, or scalp dandruff , keratin of the skin, redness and even symptoms of hair loss on the face and scalp, you should immediately seek seborrheic dermatitis

The chief director, "cause seborrheic dermatitis" The cure for Herbal can be used to circulate heat throughout the body and boost the immune system. " Naturally, it can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis and prevent recurrence.

On the other hand, foods like foods that are good for seborrheic dermatitis can help to resolve symptoms, but other things like lifestyle, stress, and so on. may be the cause. In particular, if seborrheic dermatitis persists for a long time, it is necessary to find the exact cause and treat it.

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