Sejing, who was a "sijoehyeong", seized in all areas of power anomalies – Kookmin Ilbo


Shi Jinping (朱 張 平) There is a constant indication of the power of the Chinese president. This time, emeritus professor of Tsinghua University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, insisted on "restore the presidency of the state". The Chinese government replaced the head of the State Council Office and banned the publicity and reporting of its superiority.

On 29 Free Asia Broadcasting (RFA), it is estimated that the current government's ability to manage the state, such as the US-China trade war, the poor vaccine situation and the economic crisis, Shu Jang- roon (56) A professor at the Tsinghua Law School urged the president to restore the country's mandate and to stop the cult of individual sects by publishing the article "Our Fear and Expectation" on the website of the & F site site site site site site site site site. Tian's Economic Research Institute of ThinkTank. China lifted the long-term decision of China's ruling party by canceling the mandatory birthday of its country's mandate, which is limited to two years in March. Professor Shi wrote in his article: "The way in which the power of the state works goes back to the time, and the Chinese people have reached a level of fear," he said, " the power of public power has looted individual property rights. "He said.

After the US-China trade war, the city is in a difficult situation due to a poor vaccine situation. He is a visiting professor in Japan and he has proposed to open a public property law. and to rebadess the situation on Tiananmen Square. In an effort to secure the military's commercial war and embody individual initiative, he made a trip to the Middle East and Africa on a 9-day schedule, but he was buried in an incident of vaccine.

Bocheon, a Chinese-born media, discovered that a "struggle to overthrow the Communist Party" had been found in a restroom in a children's hospital in Chengdu. Reported. In a magic feather, "the back of the dog was broken by the medical costs of monounsaturated milk, poison vaccine and ceiling, and people were crying with poisoned air and poisoned food. Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai and other similar critics have appeared in the media. After the vaccination epidemic, Mr. Si also led thorough investigations and punishment of administrators during his trip to Africa. On the fourth day, Tong Yaoqiu, a 20-year-old woman from Hunan Province, said, "I am against dictatorship and tyranny. It should also be noted that the deputy head of the Central Department of the Communist Party was sacked on June 25 from the Chief of the State Council Office of Public Affairs. This is consistent with the theory of self-sufficiency according to which advertising and reports that overstated the status of their country and anticipated patriotic emotions spurred the West and led to the US-China trade war. Mr. Shirin, 55, a member of the city's deputy, is in charge of his successor. China's public relations strategy is expected to show a new momentum in China's image of power and superiority, such as China manufacturing 2025 and China dream.

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