Seo Jin-ping, the United States and the United States … "The meeting of Baydae Hee seems to take place early August"


[아시아경제 나주석 기자] Chinese President Hu Jintao is expected to face the trade war and other problems early next month, a secret meeting between China's former leaders and current leaders, (SCMP) reported on 20.

Beidaihe meeting, former leaders and elders of China gathered at a station called Beidaihe in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province to discuss national affairs meeting

Generally held from late July to early August, this year should be held early August The meeting should take place.

This year's meeting seems to be the main agenda of the US-China trade dispute, as it is expected to take place in Beijing next month with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad and Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad . The issue of establishing relations with the United States will be a key issue at this meeting. Trade talks between the United States and China have already begun long ago, but two weeks ago the official tariffs and retaliatory obligations of both countries were imposed.

Meanwhile, Chinese leaders have advocated a strategy of waiting for talent and expectation of talent. On the other hand, Mr. Shi adopted an aggressive strategy, expressing "China Dream", which means a great renaissance of the Chinese people beyond the existing theory of capacity development.

Some experts anticipate a possible change in China's response strategy in the United States. Chinese leaders listened to the views of the Baidaiher meeting and reflected them in their policies.

The SCMP, however, did not see the change in the position of the city's president through the Bay Daichang meeting, etc.

Meanwhile, in the postwar period, I predicted the possibility of a change in China's strategy for the United States.

I, journalist, [email protected]

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