Seoul Bundang University Hospital, Unknown causes repeated dizziness .. Do you open treatment?


  The badysis of the characteristics of the eye tremor after shaking the head left and right showed that the new disease (RSV-HSN) is more sensitive to vestibular symptoms than vestibular neuritis, vestibular neuritis and Meniere's disease (Tc) is 2-3 times longer (meaning that the tremor lasts about 2-3 times longer), indicating that there is a new disease that is occurring Differentiation of these diseases [사진=분당서울대병원]
When the characteristics of the eye tremor are badyzed, the time constant (Tc) of the eye tremor is 2 to 3 times greater than that of the vestibular neuritis (VN), the vestibular neuritis (VM) and Meniere's Disease (MD) [사진=분당서울대병원]

Dizziness is the second leading cause of the discovery of an emergency ward of patients, and it is the second most common cause of vertigo One of the two people is also often experienced that a unique experience It is a symptom. Early diagnosis and treatment are particularly important because they are easily overlooked because they are due to stress or fatigue, but if they are not treated without appropriate treatment, they become chronic or develop into serious diseases. In recent years, specialists in neurology, otolaryngology and mental health in Korea have been integrated through a collaborative approach to diagnosis and treatment of vertigo.

Causes of recurrent dizziness are usually mental disorders such as tinnitus, leprosy (feeling of ears), Meniere's disease with hearing loss, and migraine with dizziness with vertigo, or Cerebrovascular disease can also cause recurrent dizziness.

However, patients with recurrent vertigo often have treatment difficulties because their causes are not clearly identified despite several tests. Recently, Professor Kim, Ji-Soo, of Seoul National University Hospital, Bundang, discovered a new disease that causes repeated vertigo and responded to national and international conferences.

Professor Kim, Ji-soo badyzed data from 338 patients who showed repeated night-time vertigo due to lack of specificity on various vestibular and magnetic resonance images, and the results were recently published in the US. American Journal of Neurology.

Eye disorders observed in these patients have been badociated with other disorders, such as Meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis or other forms of vestibulopathy, such as vestibular neuritis. It was 2 to 3 times longer than that of vertigo in the vertiginous disorder, and the severity of vertigo was sometimes high. This new disease can be easily diagnosed by a relatively simple test to observe the tremor of the eyes after repeated shaking of the head from one side to the other.

Although the brain function of patients is unstable and sensitive, they are usually somewhat adapted to their symptoms, so that they can remain without any inconvenience, but this adjustment is disrupted by changes in the body or by external environmental factors It has been estimated that vertigo has appeared. In addition, patients treated with "baclofen", a drug that inhibits nerve function, showed significant improvement in dizziness and nausea, and nystagmus (blurred vision) greatly decreased

Professor Lee stated, " I am very happy to be able to identify the pathogenesis of recurrent dizziness and to find new diseases that have not been diagnosed by conventional test techniques. "This study suggests a clue to overcome recurring dizziness

On the other hand, the study was conducted by a research team consisting of Lee Sun-wook (first author) and the director of the Jin-Soo Kim Center (responsible author) at Vertiginous center of the Seoul National University Hospital in Bundang. Published in the June 2018 issue of the journal Neurology author, with comments from editors.

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