"Severe, uncomfortable lateral pain in the summer" urinary tract absenteeism "2 ~ 3ℓ water please eat" – Herald Economy


There is an illness that causes an emergency room with severe and sudden flank pain. It is absent in the urine that it is painful just after the pain of childbirth. Urolithiasis occurs mainly between the ages of 30 and 50 and in the elderly. Severe pain suddenly appears, and once it occurs, there is a lot of concern about recurrence. You have to be careful because there are a lot of patients in the summer with a lot of perspiration and a lot of water flow.

Urinary stones are most common in summer when temperatures are high. According to the Health Insurance Review and Evaluation Service, the number of medical staff was confirmed in 2016 and the number of medical staff was high in July and September when temperatures were high. In August, the number of patients was highest at 43,377. About 10% of the total patients (439,205) "The urinary stone is a temperature-affected disease," said Choi Tae-soo, a professor of medicine. urology at Kyunghee University Hospital, "because of high temperatures in summer, a lot of sweat, concentrated urine,

Urinary stones are the most common symptom of severe lateral pain In addition, nausea, vomiting or hematuria may occur .If there is a stone in the lower ureter, bladder or urethra, there may be signs of it. urination or frequent urination (urinary frequency, urinary frequency, etc.) due to unexplained symptoms of the lower urinary tract

Baek Sung-hyun, professor of urology at Konkuk University Hospital, said: "In the case of urinary stones, the pain results from an exercise imbr iqué preventing the urine from pushing the stone out of the urine. "" There is a sore feeling of squeezing and there is no pain. "" If you have any calculations, you may have vomiting and diarrhea because the kidney's nerves are connected to the nerves of the stomach. "However, the symptoms are not typical, so you must feel gastric discomfort, sometimes I do not do it. Delay in diagnosis and neglect increases the risk of complications.

If stones block the flow of urine, hydronephrosis of the renal pelvis and newborn may increase, and the urine can not be evacuated and l 39; accumulated urine in the bladder can be caused. Professor Choi said: "If urine can not be completely washed away by stones and stagnation occurs, an environment in which bacteria can reproduce creates life-threatening conditions such as acute pyelonephritis and urinary sepsis. If absences continue, it can also progress to chronic renal failure, in which renal function is permanently reduced. "

Ureteral stones often reappear if they take one.If you have ever had a urinary tract abscess, you must avoid it by managing daily life.The simplest way to to do so is to drink a lot of water, and the urine dilutes the urine when it is diluted, and the crystals may agglutinate before the stones are made. [19659002] It is known that an excessive intake of protein, sugar, salt or insufficient consumption of fiber increases the risk of stones.It is important to note that a portion of calcium intake is reduced by the fact that calcium is the main component of the stone. "In this case, the risk of stones is increased.

Obesity can increase the risk of urinary stones. For this reason, regular exercise and dietary control should be considered for proper weight management. Professor Choi said, "Obesity will increase the amount of oxalate, uric acid, sodium, phosphorus and so on. that cause stones in the urine. "Insulin resistance promotes acidification of the urine and promotes urate formation. Professor Baek said, "It is helpful to drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day to reduce the concentration of urine, chew food and eat more vegetables than meat.

Shin Sang Yoon reporter / ken @

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