Shaking the power of jing …? A loyal oath led by an apostle before his tour abroad


"Follow As The Emperor Has Decided" … Confirm Power Control Without Tremor

The Chinese Communist Party has resumed its oath of loyalty to the city, observing that the trade conflict with the United States and excessive personal worship is questioning the power of Seo Jinping.
According to the Xinhua News Agency, on March 19, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) held a meeting on the 16th and said, "We must get the authority to decide a at the heart of the meeting.
Tangjo, a member of the NPC, stressed that "the socialist ideology of the new China, characteristic of the new Chinese era, should be reflected to strengthen the political construction, adhere strictly to political and political rules and guarantee the party authority ".

The meeting of the day, which was a group study, was chaired by the president of the city's president, Chief Justice Lee Jansu, who was the city's president.

The term "一 一 一 一 一 일 일 일 일 일 일 일 일 …" ……. It is also a term that underlined the decision and authority of the Central Party on May 5 at the meeting of the nation's organization.

China Central TV also said on the 16th that "all party comrades should defend the central position of Si Jinping, the Party's central authority, and the unified leadership, in all circumstances, at all times and in any circumstance. "

Such insistence on the Joseon government's power system has attracted a lot of attention recently with regard to the observation that the governor's position of the city is moving in and out of the party.

Inside China, internal criticism seems to be that the United States and neighboring countries have pursued uncompromising external policies to emphasize the authority and legitimacy of the system.

As trade disputes in China intensified, Chinese media refused to comment on the "China Manufacturing 2025" plan as directed by the press, and the People's Daily announced a series of plans to criticize the Respectively

This led to criticism of the "one-man feeding system".

On the 13th, Zhu Jiang, former Chinese President Hu Jintao and former Premier Wen Jiabao and Zhu Rongji demanded a revision of the party's political line. "

Xinhua Telecom has released an old article entitled "Poem of Hua Guo Feng" which criticized personal worship, and the People's Daily did not report the news of the poet on the first page one after one the other It has been observed that it is related.

However, in this badysis, poetic sympathy and remarks still garnish other major aspects of all Chinese media.

Some experts point out that it is rare to see that the power of Xinjing is shaken by some measures to prevent excessive personal worship.

The city will visit four countries in the Middle East and Africa, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Senegal, Rwanda, and South Africa from 19 to 27.

This is the first departure since the appointment of the country's president in March

. Hong Kong political commentator Liu Xiaoqing said, "The takeover is still firm," he said. I do not think I can go out alone.

It is interpreted as the intention of the CNP, the Chinese parliament, to promote the "pledge of allegiance to Sijing" early to dissolve Sijing's power of diffusion of power.

When he returns from his tour on the 28th, he should reaffirm his firm power in the political meeting held on economic issues in July each year.

In early August, he will meet the elders at the Beidaihe meeting, a secret meeting of past and present leaders.

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(Shanghai-Yonhap News) Correspondent of Jung Ho Ho

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