Shingles vaccine available for free next year … CDC PIN Review


  Shingles vaccine becomes available free of charge next year ...

The headquarters of Disease Control will start discussing the mandatory national vaccination designation for next year.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be included in the National Immunization Program. The government said yesterday. 80 to 90% of NIP vaccines were focused on infants and children. Of the 19 vaccines, only two influenza vaccines and two pneumococcal vaccines are eligible for people over 65 years of age. The debate on the need to include vaccines for the elderly in the country's essential immunization program has persisted. When they are included in the national essential immunization program, the 65-year-old can receive the free zoster vaccine.

The shingles vaccine is not included in the PIN, so the cost of inoculation is high. The average cost of 200,000 won should be borne once. The cost burden for people aged 65 and over is considerable.

According to the National Health Insurance Corporation, the number of cases of shingles, which was 450,000 in 2009, is expected to reach 640,000 in 2014, an average annual growth rate of 7.3%. Last year, there were 714,442 patients. In terms of age (in 2016), the 1950s were the most common, with 25.4% (176,289).

The Division of Disease Control plans to implement. It is estimated that about 500 billion won will be injected into free vaccination.

  The shingles vaccine will be free next year ... PIN Review

Currently, there are two vaccines in Korea. It is a live vaccine produced by the weakening of the chicken pox virus. MSD's "Joe Star Box", a multinational pharmaceutical company, holds the largest market share. Shingles domestic shingles vaccine also appeared. SK Chemicals (now SK Bioscience), a national pharmaceutical company, has launched 'Skyjozer & # 39;

After reviewing the feasibility of introducing the NIP, if price negotiations between the government and pharmaceutical companies are properly implemented, the vaccine will be free next year. There is also a critical opinion on the effectiveness of policies. A manager of the pharmaceutical company said: "The targeted shingles vaccine is extremely limited." He added, "It is necessary to determine whether the investment of hundreds of billions of won in the vaccine against shingles are enough. "

Shingles virus usually develops in childhood after chickenpox is present in the body as a latent state, but when immunity is low, it is again activated. The occurrence of the disease is caused by a mild rash, which can lead to complications such as hepatitis and pneumonia. It has been recognized as a geriatric disease because it occurs in more than 50 ~ 60 generations. In recent years, the number of young people in their twenties and thirties has increased.

Jang Yoon-hyung, journalist in medicine / biotechnology [email protected]

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