Signs that my body sends … What nutrients do I need now?


[리얼푸드=고승희 기자] Our body needs a lot of nutrients. The three main nutrients, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber should not be neglected either.

Many nutrients are needed for our body to grow and preserve itself as well as for normal function. Vitamins are not synthesized in the body, and because they do not respond to the amount of synthesis required, intake through food is essential.

If you do not have enough nutrients, you will also have a deficiency. The nutrients we need depend on the signals our body sends.


If dandruff falls from the trap after being scratched off the head, a check of the feed is necessary. This can lead to a lack of healthy fatty acids in the diet. In particular, when omega-3 fatty acids are lacking, the skin dries quickly. In this case, the vegetables, nuts and flaxseeds are good. Nuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 vegetable fatty acid, that glow softly on dry skin and help prevent wrinkles. It's good to eat fish like mackerel and salmon twice a week.


If the hair is thin and hard and torn, you must suspect the lack of vitamin B7, a biotin. Biotin is a vitamin involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Most importantly, it has a good effect on the skin and hair and it is also called Vitamin H. The consumption of biotin is important if there is a risk of damage to hair or hair loss due to pain. an unreasonable diet or dye. According to a study conducted by the Korean Institute of Health Sciences, Korea, lack of biotin results in thinning hair and loss of hair loss symptoms.

Biotin is abundant in nuts. It contains 37.0 mg per 100 g of nuts and 31.0 mg of peanut. It contains 25.0 mg of egg, 20.0 mg of oats, 16.0 mg of mushrooms, 6.0 mg of spinach, 5.5 mg of banana and 3.5 mg of milk. [3]


"Gray hair" should not be considered a sign of aging. If a day suddenly begins to notice the swelling, you should check the copper intake in your diet.

Copper is an important mineral in our body. Collagen, elastin and involved in the synthesis of connective tissue to help skin elasticity and the prevention of bone loss. It's a mineral that can stay young. In addition, copper plays an important role in the production of melanin. So, if you do not have enough copper, you can have hairy hair and gray even if you do not have family strength. Copper is found in many crustaceans such as lobsters, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, mushrooms and chocolates.


If you have stomatitis, you should check your vitamin intake. Often, it is easy to remember vitamin C deficiency, but not only. Even though vitamin B12 is insufficient, stomatitis is common. Vitamin B12 also plays an important role in the production of cells, thus also affecting healthy hair, skin and nails.

According to a study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital in the United States (2015), vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to hyperpigmentation, weakening of the nails and stomatitis. Vitamin B12 is common in liver, meat, fish, shellfish, fish, eggs and dairy products. It's a lot of vegetable food. There is a total of 133.8 ㎍ for 100g of dried raisins in Korea.

5. Even if you are tired

Even if you sleep enough, if you feel tired, vitamin D supplementation is good. In 2016, at the University of Zurich in Switzerland (2016), vitamin D and placebo were prescribed to improve the fatigue of 120 healthy adults with low levels of vitamin D. As a result, fatigue the group supplemented with vitamin D has been remarkably reduced. Vitamin D is rich in dairy products, milk and fish.

6. Headaches

The causes of headaches may vary, but there may be a shortage of carbohydrates if one has found headaches that seem to shake the head without agitation. Our body uses fat as a source of energy. In the process of fat consumption, ketones are produced, which can lead to headaches as blood ketone levels increase.


If you have bruises and bruises and bruises, you should suspect that it is lacking vegetables. "Vitamin C deficiency causes more bruising," said Dr. Gary Goldenberg of Mount Sinai Hospital in the United States. "Inadequate intake of vitamin C inhibits collagen synthesis and weakens blood vessels, causing edema and fever."

Vitamin C is abundant in fruits and vegetables.

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