Singapore Prime Minister Hacked 1.5 Million Information Leaks


In Singapore, the worst data breach ever happened. And 1.5 million personal information, including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has been disclosed.

The Department of Foreign Affairs, including the United States Net Zidine, filed a criminal complaint against Singh Health, one of Singapore's largest medical institutions, on Wednesday (October 20).

XingHeus has four public hospitals, five national specialty centers, nine general hospitals and other public hospitals, including the patient's name, national identification number, address, gender, race. and his date of birth. Is the largest medical institution in Singapore. The victims of this information leak are 1.5 million patients who visited Xing Health Hospital from May 1, 2015 to July 4, 2018, more than a quarter of the 5.7 million number of persons from Singapore

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] The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) jointly issued a joint statement with the Singapore Cyber ​​Security Agency (CSA) According to the IHiS survey (Health Information System), the cyberattack was "deliberately well targeted and well planned". "We are not a mere hacker or criminal organization, and we have specifically and repeatedly targeted information about the personal details of Dr.

According to the statement, a theft of data occurred between the June 27 and July 4, and the IHiS reported that the data had been stolen, On July 4, the first signs of unusual activity were detected.

Since July 10, IHiS is working on the cybersecurity system, which is a cybersecurity system, After confirming the attack, we informed the Ministry of Health, CSA and Singh Health of the results of the initial judicial investigation and on the 20th, XingHealth has announced that all patients who visited Xinghels Hospital from May 1, 2015 to July 4, 2018,.

The CSA said the attack was "a single front-end workstation on XingHealth was infected by a malicious code by Pirates,

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said of his attack on him: "The attackers may have looked for something that could disturb the country or something that could baffle me,"

"We can not go back to documents and records," he said, "safe and sound. "We have put in place a committee to better manage and protect public sector computer systems, including Xing Health." [ad_2]
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