"Six Rescue" Thai Boys Miraculous Returns – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.08 22:35

Thailand's Cave Boys & # 39; currently rescues six people
Relief in 16 days after being trapped in a cave on 23 of last month
Rescue is underway for the remaining 7 people
Rescue Operations (Local Time)

The boys of the juvenile football team trapped in a cave in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, began to be saved in 16 days. According to the Reuters news agency, the Thai relief agency "safely rescued six of the thirteen members of the youth football team isolated in Tam Luang cave, in the province of Chiang Rai, in the north of the country "In progress. "

Boys from the youth football teams found in Tam Luang Cave, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, were rescued within 16 days of disappearing." The photo shows isolated survivors in the cave receiving help / Thai Navy Room Facebook

After 17:40, Mongrae Puniam (13) left the cave, and the second survivor was rescued 10 minutes later, and two others have been saved since then, but One of them would be in poor condition.

Last month, 12 boys from the Chiang Rai youth soccer team and 13 adult coaches and others did a Exploration of the cave, allegedly taken to hospital by a medical camp near the cave Suddenly the rain fell and the cave fell into the water and disappeared. Was not clear if she was alive, but she was confirmed e within ten days of the disappearance of two British experts caving rushed to the scene. Since the morning of March 3, a multinational rescue team of about 1,000 people provides high calorie foods, milk, protein and blankets.

In the beginning, the rescue team tried a long-term rescue operation. Boys must swim or dive about 2.5 to 4 kilometers to move from an isolated place to the entrance of a cave, fearing that boys who have been weakened by long isolation may to aggravate during the dive

As heavy rain poured in. Prior to the rescue operation, Governor Nakhon Chiang Rai said: "Five Thai divers and three foreigners are participating in the work." Two divers will kidnap a boy. "

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